Short Fic: At Quite a Risk

Aug 21, 2009 20:25

TITLE: At Quite a Risk
AUTHOR: lar_laughs
FANDOM: Harry Potter
CHARACTERS: Padma Patil (Ravenclaw), Morag MacDougal(Ravenclaw)/Megan Jones(Hufflepuff)
PROMPT: 87 - Goldenrod at 100_colours, 81 - Risk at 100_tales and 4. Practice makes perfect at 15pairings
SUMMARY: Morag can't seem to work up the nerve to talk to the girl she's had her eye on for the last ( Read more... )

graph fic, 2009, hufflepuff, ravenclaw

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cranky__crocus September 7 2009, 04:33:01 UTC
I love love loved that! Adore that you picked up one of the super-minor characters as well, and used her for femmeslash with a Hufflepuff! I love the Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff dynamic. I've used Morag a fair share myself, generally shipping her with Susan Bones--I'm too much of a fraidy-cat to try two nearly-OC characters as main characters in one HP fic. I haven't written her in a while. I was so happy to read her in a fic not written by myself! I can't wait for more!

The interactions were great.I loved seeing Padma get some attention. Lovely lovely!


lar_laughs September 7 2009, 04:53:47 UTC
I love that someone else loves Morag as much as I do! The really minor characters are my very favorite because they haven't been messed up by that silly JKR.

I'm glad you liked it! Thanks so much for reading.


cranky__crocus September 7 2009, 04:55:33 UTC
It made me giggle 'cause you're having your Morag use Herbology as an excuse to meet her girl despite being fine at it, where as I had my Morag have one real downfall: Herbology. So somehow both ships seem to be connecting over Herbology!

And yes, that's my draw to the really minor characters too. :) I didn't think Susan Bones was used enough, so I enjoy using her too.


lar_laughs September 7 2009, 05:03:57 UTC
All the really good couples hang out at the Greenhouses! *grins*

Susan doesn't get good recognition! While it's great that she gets more than just a mere mention in the books to make sure there are enough faces in the background (or a line on a random, written class list), she's a plot point and nothing else in canon. But that leaves her wide open for some really good fic!

I love to play with the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. Everyone writes the Gryffindors and Slytherins so there need to be some dedicated Huff and Claw writers!


cranky__crocus September 7 2009, 05:15:43 UTC
Laughter, I totally agree! I think Greenhouses are mentioned in most of my fics. :P I even wrote a Sprout/McGonagall friendship!fic in there. :D ( ... )


lar_laughs September 7 2009, 05:24:45 UTC
Get out! I had those same thoughts about the feud! It stands to reason that Slyth vs Gryff wouldn't be the only rivalry in the school... just the one that Harry concentrated on. The whole book is centered around one person - there's another side to every story that we read about ( ... )


cranky__crocus September 7 2009, 05:31:09 UTC
We are so the coolest people ever! :P And yeah, I spent a lot of time graphing it out in my head. At one point I made a diagram of where the houses would be (the two towers vs. the two underground--den and dungeon) and who feuded with who. I was seriously into this shite. I have all the notes somewhere from when I was reading through the books and taking notes, jotting down story prompts and figuring out how to get the characters in the stories. (After all, if everyone really does hear everything in Hogwarts, there would totally be opinions and reactions from the other characters ( ... )


lar_laughs September 7 2009, 13:38:51 UTC
Yes, please! I went looking on yours, too!

You know... you should come play at whedonland! I'm on Team Firefly and there's ton of fun to be had. Not just writing challenges! It's just a place for people who think Joss Whedon is cool to hang out. A lot of them also like Doctor Who and I think there are a fair number of HP fans, too.

*grins* Poppy! Okay, so I must know... who do you ship Madam Hooch with? Cause I go back and forth between Poppy or Minerva. It depends on the story and the situation.

And I must admit that I am a Hermione fan. Mostly because while we see her in the books, I don't think Harry really "gets" her so there is still untapped potential there. Only thing I don't like is having to keep to the canon storyline. Not many shadows to play with. Hermione and Ron are the only canon pairing that I hold to. I guess everyone should pick at least one canon character to be fond of.


cranky__crocus September 7 2009, 17:18:15 UTC
I'll have to check out whedonland! I plan to catch myself up on all his series (I just watched through Firefly and saw Serenity). I've missed a lot of the other ones ( ... )


lar_laughs September 8 2009, 02:34:41 UTC
Marti Noxon (I think it was Marti... it might have been Jane Espenson) once said on a Buffy commentary that she loved the fandom because they always explained away any mistakes they made with the plot with something better than the writers could ever come up with. Like Angel eating but then mentioning later that he'd never tasted anything so good since he was human. Or something like that ( ... )


cranky__crocus September 8 2009, 03:03:53 UTC
That's such an excellent quote about fandom! I think Tamora Pierce (YA writer) mentioned something similar. And sometimes when she couldn't remember something about previous books she had written, she'd come to her fandom and ask the question--and nearly 100% of the time we knew and could help her out! That just made me laugh endlessly ( ... )


lar_laughs September 8 2009, 03:16:01 UTC
Give me a prompt and I'll give you a story! If you don't feel comfortable with one prompt (as it's always hard to find the perfect one), give me a selection.


cranky__crocus September 16 2009, 00:21:22 UTC
- A new order of books arrives, and some of them are a little naughty (possible Muggle history studies, laughter).
- Hooch thinks it's about time to get Pince out on a broom again, which she hasn't done since her school days.
- Firewhiskey drunken evening with the professors and many femmeslash hookups.

There are three. Grins. I love how I can think them up for other people but not for myself!


lar_laughs September 16 2009, 02:08:29 UTC
I know! I'm so much better at giving prompts out to other people! Sometimes I can get away with doing my own prompts like at first_order when they're technically for "others" but most of the time, I just can't do it.

But Thank You! I like those! Will have to start giving them some thought.


cranky__crocus October 1 2009, 22:31:38 UTC
I hope I get to see a story at some point. :) But take your time. I know we have due dates coming up and a slew of other stuff. Perhaps some day in the future. :D


lar_laughs October 2 2009, 02:05:57 UTC
You will! I have the beginnings of one but it did get moved to the back of the writing queue for a while. Soon!


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