Trailer <3

Aug 12, 2009 21:54

Not the large things on wheels pulled around by big trucks.

No, I'm talking about the type of trailers that are in front of movies.


Have you seen the trailer? Did you not cry? Were you not moved? Perhaps you got up and danced down the aisle? I wanted to. Gosh, that was a great trailer. I can't wait for the movie. Another happy birthday present for me! I love that such great movies come out around my birthday!

Randye and I went to see Julia & Julie tonight. It was good and I vaguely hearing about the blog when it first started getting press. While I didn't feel the need to cook when I left the theatre (it was 10:00, after all), it made me want to blog more. *grins*

Mom and I may be going to see The Time Traveler's Wife on Friday. She is the "may" part of that sentence. I WILL be seeing it on Friday. This is a movie I've been looking forward to since I heard they were thinking of making it. Such a good book! It's one I also have on audiobook and I've listened to it a couple of times now. And yes, it was slightly confusing the first time but I don't think it was too much so. But Eric Bana! And Rachel McAdams! I saw the stairs in a newer preview the other day. I think I'm going to cry at this one.

Housesitting again and I had a night full of those odd dreams you get when you're slightly stressed about an event and your subconscious is trying to make it all fixed. The alarm went off this morning and I couldn't figure out how to make it go away and then I kept sort of waking up to see what time it was and it was fine because it was only 7am until I finally got my cell phone out and it was NINE THIRTY ONE AH EM! I did something to a perfectly working clock so that now it says SEVEN OH TWO. So I need to fix that. And I need some sleep. A 20oz mocha (extra shot of vanilla) didn't cut it. I made it through the movie but I am very tired. Well, it's 11pm. That could be why.

Off to finish up my time on the web and get some sleep.
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