Jul 31, 2005 10:18
hey srry i dont update its summer nd i cant keep up w/ everythin.. i dont feel good but i wanted 2 update a lil..
well me nd molly have been chillin w/ mostly cheryl,rene,nd cory nd tober..funn funn..
yesterday we went 2 lindsy'z met up w/ demarr nd william chilled w/ dem 4 a while nd then went home she slept ova i cleaned muh room so0o clean..lolz..
tonites the first nite we are spending apart in a long time ..lol.. ill prolly sleep there 2 marrow or somethin.. who know'z..
to day we woke up chilled went 2 cheryl'z went 2 coryz then met up w/ linds nd went 2 rene'z funn times her daughter is so0o cute i love her..
well we chilled there..
tomarrow who knowz wt prolly cory'z/...
well im srry so0o short but i dont feel good.. i love u all tho..