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Jul 22, 2005 14:55

hey sup pplz.. well the past 3-4 dayz was madd funn me nd molly went 2 darian lake aka six flagz
it was madd funn.. not alot of sleep tho.. lolz..

well tuesday i chilled w/ Rachie nd she told me muh penny baby got put down.. tearz.. i miss her.. we walked around talked cryed chilled.. molly came over we were goin thre pic'z nd stuff.. we chilled nd then i left w/ mollyz..

we went chilled w/ pplz then 2 mollyz.. i went home took a shower got packed went 2 mollyz nd we chilled there we talked nd went online nd just chilled..

we went 2 sleep 4 a couple hourz -not really- lolz.. then woke up nd we went on our way 2 darian lake..

we went they set up we was like chillin in the car molly was sleepin so i got out helped a lil then they left nd we chilled there was dis hott dude named brian across the street..

molly was hangin out the trailor window geetin pop i held her feet nd she was fallin out he was laughin at her,, lolz.. she looked like a crack head..

brian-he's 19 nd was there w/ his ma nd dad we dident meet him there tho we were in the park nd he came up nd was like "hey aint u the trailor arcoss the road" nd we was like yea nd he goes " u wanna ride some rides cuz i dont wanna be alone so we said shure" i let him nd molly go on the viper nd i held his stuff.. then i we just walked around nd chilled talked.. he seemed cool.. lol .. he asked molly if they could make out.. it was funni.. she kinda got freaked out.. lolz.. he was still cool tho.. well then we went back nd we went took our showers came back the parents left again nd then molly was on da fone.. brian came over nd sat bye me.. he gave me his necklace 2 wear nd molly asked 4 his bracelet.. well then we was just talkin while she was on da fone nd in da trailor nd stuff..

he says 4real like the way u pronounce pheral or w/e that singerz name is spelled..lol itz kool tho..
then he was talkin bout where he lived nd then he's like u wanna go nd chill i go we are he's like i kno but i mean more then that i was like naw.. he'z like why i was like one idk u. 2. i aintt just ganna leave her.. nd 3idk.. nd he'z like u sure i was like yea.. then iu gave him back his necklace cuz his key was on it nd he got his braclet back i was buggin him 2 give it 2 me.. he was ganna but then he'z like wait give me ur chain i was like but i love muh chain he'z like well i love muh braclet.. well we was walkin up 2 da store nd molly was still on da fone on da way up he asked if i woiuld make out w/ him i was like umm idk.. well we got there nd we saw these group of kidz that wanted brian 2 buy them somethin.. so0o we meet all of themm all canadian pplz damn.. lolz.. thatz when we met chris nd watson aka andrew..

well brian went w/ them nd we started headin back nd then molly said hi 2 these other kids 2 be a smart ass nd they called us over so0o we went thats when we met kieth,chris, nd 3 more i have no idea thier name'z.. lolz.. well we chilled w/ then till 12:30 hadda go back then chilled nd went cake over tyill like 1:30 2.. 2:30 3.. lolz.. nd then we wentin the trailor talked a lil nd idk...
we left 4 the pool at the hotel at like 11.. then we chilled there ate then went back 2 the thingy..
then we went in the park walked around me nd molly got necklaces.. nd idk then we came back went did laundry.. wat a cawinky dink brianz cloths where in there we were waitin 4 out clothz nd he walked in we talk.. lolz.. "can u get me a bag from the store", " i have no shoes" "molly??" -kicks off her shoes-" i dont eitha"," g thanx guyz..lol"

well we went back went on the viper 12-13 times w/ out gettin back in line.. lolz.. damn ozzfest had So0o0o0o0o0o many pplz muh god..lolz..we saw it from the ride.. woah..

well we went back ate pizza nd then left we saw watson nd talked 2 him then left walked around nd then idk we met up w/ chris nd some new dude he met idk his name he had bad b.o. tho.. lol he was like chasin molly where eva she went.. haha.. molly'
well we went on the viper twice w/ them.. then the park closed ns we was just chillin we were ganna go back w/ him so chris could get some more beerz.. lolz wow.. fun time..
we met back up w/ watson nd he gave me his drink so i was like wat the hell nd started drinkin.. then we went 2 da lazer show nd was chillin nd shyt then it was me mollhy chriss nd da smelly dude..

da smelly dude left nd we chilled at the laundry mat.. then walked around.. i was drinkin his beerz 2.. lolz.. "muh friend said he left me some by the wall.. o shyt he did".. haha..

well we was just chillin drink nd talkin.. we call chris spoony cuz them canadianz w/ they accent.. lolz..

well he came w/ us 2 check in.. nd then we end up chillin w/ da 2 boyz dat came nd had tentz next 2 us.. they got there that day... will nd idk the other dudes name somethin w/ a "W" damn dat kid was crazi we just chilled walked nd chilled i was askin ppl 4 an ice cube 2 put in chris'z cup cuz i was drinkin out of it nd it was warm.. lolz..the whole nite that cup was full.. he kept puttin more nd more in there.. lolz..

then watson came nd the security said that it was 2 late 2 be hangin out w/ out an adult so he said go back 2 ur site.. so0 we left chris nd watson nd went w/ will nd his friend cuz their site was next 2 us nd we hadda check in any way they built a fire at our site nd we chilled then snuck out nd chilled.. runnin around nd shyt..
the other chris the one w/ kieth nd da other 3 or 4 gave us beer.. i dont even like beer but i was like w/e..
so yea nd we went back they was throwin batteryz in the fire nd they would pop wow dat was a good time..

molly gave hris nd watson muh # nd will nd da other kid got muh # but i remembered i cant answer it cuz i dont get calls 2 canada cuz it will cost me even if they call me.. so0oi o well brian was da only one not from cacnada..
the second day we aint really chill w/ him just talked nd in the laundry room nd idk.. he'z coo tho.. thys moring we packed up nd left nd im getting tierd of writin thys so0o imma go0o now...

lyl peace
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