Jun 16, 2005 04:22
hey sup pplz.. srry itz been awahile..
well tuesday.. examz were horrible.. like im really good in math.. but i looked at da test nd i just 4 got everythin.. nd global i dident even do 1 of the esseyz.. i couldent.. at first i started makin upo a bunch of bull shyt but then i just crossed it out.. im scared that imma fail now..
well yesterday i sat home.. did some laundry.. talked 2 pplz online.. sorted thre some skool papers nd thre alot of muh stuff out.. then i went 2 Rae'z.. chilled there 4 a while... she set up her tank 4 her lizard.. funn funn.. lolz.. dat stuff smelled.. Brad was there.. srry Rae he got madd at u.. lolz paige was playin dat one computer game nd said i kept jinksin her.. i was like hangin off da love seat 2 see who was on the t.v. shes like "Lauren u sat on the floor nd now u made me lose".. shes so0o slo..
Kim nd Shawn came home w/ their kne 2005 blazer.. anna dont like it cuz it has a bench not da cup seatz.. itz nice..
well i went home came online.. went on da fone.. then muh dad came home.. i was still on da fone nd picked up muh room a lil.. came back down stairs i hadda redo my whole subprofile 4 aim.. ughz.. so0o every1 sign da geust book ova.. kz?
.. thank you..
well.. 2day molly called nd i woke up nd called her back.. she wanted me 2 come ova cuz she came home early from skool.. so i tol d her give me a lil nd she calle d back nd said dat her ma wants 2 kno when i was goin ova there cuz her bro was eavin or w/e.. so0o i told her ill get dressed nd come now..
i guess she couldent getahold of steff.. or somethin i dident really hear wat she said bout her but yea.. so0o i chilled there she fell asleep so0o i just sat by her nd watched t.v...
afta she woke up i put on gili or w/e w/ ben athlec nd jlo.. we dident get 2 finish it cuz her dad came home nd yea.. steff came ova a lil be4 mollyz dad did.. well afta her dad came she told him she was goin 2 steffs 2 "study" lolz.. so0o i left nd came home.. came online nd now im chillin..
itz gettin really cold.. tearz.. but the radio said dat another heat wave should becomin.. so0o idk..
well imma go chill w/ Rae soon.. so0o imma go get ready.. love ya lotz...