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Oct 25, 2008 11:49

Would someone care to explain why people have...changed?
Or perhaps someone would tell me who those voices were from?

I do not recall anyone saying this would happen.
...Is this normal for such a place?

did i miss something?, *event, not affected

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bunny_flower October 25 2008, 11:14:02 UTC
The voices are the Animus, Chibi-han. They control this world, and we are prey to their whims.

It unfortunately happens quite regularly.


laptopbells October 25 2008, 11:19:18 UTC
Animus? Is that all that is known about them?

I see.


bunny_flower October 25 2008, 11:34:01 UTC
We know that they are not spirits of the dead, and that they are displeased with us being here ... but unfortunately they do not wish to help go back to our worlds, it seems.

I am Unohana Retsu. May I ask your name, Chibi-han ?


laptopbells October 25 2008, 11:39:35 UTC
Displeased but they wont do anything about it? I assume they did not cause this mess in the first place then.



[Private // Unhackable]

Kotoko. I have been told not to say my name freely in public.


[Private//unahackable] bunny_flower October 25 2008, 12:03:53 UTC
Pleased to meet you, Kotoko-han.

It is indeed dangerous to say one's name right now, but my own name is too well known for me to hide it.


[Private//unahackable] laptopbells October 25 2008, 12:06:09 UTC
Pleasure to meet you too.

Doesn't that put you in unnecessary danger?


[Private//unahackable] bunny_flower October 25 2008, 12:11:07 UTC
Ara, I do not die easily, Kotoko-han.


[Private//unahackable] laptopbells October 25 2008, 12:20:50 UTC
I see.

Do you always speak in such a way to people or is it due to this change?


[Private//unahackable] bunny_flower October 25 2008, 12:54:25 UTC
I think it is due to this event, Kotoko-han. I am not usually so bold with young boys.


[Private//unahackable] laptopbells October 25 2008, 12:59:27 UTC
I see.

Geisha by any chance?


[Private//unahackable] bunny_flower October 25 2008, 13:02:32 UTC
Exactly, Kotoko-han !


[Private//unahackable] laptopbells October 25 2008, 13:06:05 UTC
I thought so.

Please do not get too caught up in this then, things may well end badly otherwise.


[Private//unahackable] bunny_flower October 25 2008, 13:24:58 UTC
Ara ?

I can take care of myself, Kotoko-han, but thank you for your concern.


[Private//unahackable] laptopbells October 25 2008, 13:26:47 UTC
I am sure you can but I express concern all the same.


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