Oct 04, 2012 23:22
okay so. it's been a while.
i-i can explain!
not updating this thing became such a guilty sticking point for me every time i came around so i stopped coming around, is what it is.
and i'm moving overseas in TEN! make that NINE! DAYS and i haven't been feeling self-reflective or wanting to think, much less write about my life or interests recently at all.
been busy too. but not for the last 6 months, living at home, devouring every visible part of the internet via eyeballs, except my own journal.
also i've moved in a big, bad way over to tumblr, which is low maintenance! and visually stimulating! and lower impact in terms of generating content or following fandoms or thinking, really. which is different and fun but also kind of a shame, because livejournal/dreamwidth-style content is richer and much more satisfying i think. also less like a vast sucking void that sucks all your time. and ability to form a complete thought.
oh well.
so! because of that i'm not deleting this journal; i was very fond of it and i don't want to lose the communities i've joined here and still sneak around in, even if i'm not... so active in this space anymore. maybe once i wise up and outgrow being a thing that needs a new thing every 4.5 minutes, i'll settle back in to updating once every six months. or so.
what am i doing with my life,