My pathetic reading list advances at snails pace once more to half way. This is, without a doubt my year of the least books read ever.
Never mind, number 25 was
The Road to Nab End by Richard Woodruff. It's the story of a family of cotton weavers in Blackburn, Lancashire in the early 20th Century - and a pretty shitty life it is too with the odd glimpse of lightness and enjoyment for the family who lived for most of the time in grinding poverty. It's amazing that they managed to have any light moments at all.
It's nicely written, but I had to read it a bit at a time as it all became a bit similar really. It's a fascinating insight into a turbulent period of industry in England in a town which is just up the road from where I live now, so that was interesting.
It's not as riveting as Angela's Ashes but hard as their life was, I don't think it ever plumbed the truly miserable depths that they put up with in Ireland, at least this family stuck together and were functional - surprisingly, considering what they put up with.
Richards's escape to London was obviously fruitful as the existence of the book proves!