Let the ranting begin!

Oct 06, 2005 18:20

Hellooo -
How is everyone? Good? Good. How am I, you ask? STRESSED AS ALL HELL AND HIS (OR HER) MOTHER! What was that? Why? Oh, you're so very considerate. Well, since you asked ...
I have no less than what's looking like 18 hours of filming to do this weekend. This is because we've just added lighting to our repertoire and indoor shots take, count it, three times as long to set up as outdoor shots. What this means is, HOLY CRAP, that's a lot of time. I don't mind the extra time so much but it's the time that my actors have to stay because me and my partner have to figure out what the fuck we're doing. Normal outdoor shoots made me feel bad enough for monopolizing their time anyway. Now with lights? I mean, I plan on breaking up the time so that any actor does not have to come to both of the filming sessions. But still, it's just so much time. Oh, but majjjjor major props to raptorbaby and beyonder for letting me borrow their swords to do some kick ass fight scenes between Macbeth and Duncan. And more props to raptorbaby for letting me use some of her floor space for the heavy ass lighting equipment.
Then there's dramatic writing homework due on Monday, which to be honest, I usually save until Monday morning. But I can't do that this week because it's just so much. Oh d.
Oh yeah, and a film midterm on Tuesday, followed by a Philopsophy paper due on Wednesday. And chances are there's a response paper for black music due on Thursday too. Oh, yeah, and there's Rocky stumblethrough rehearsal Monday and Wednesay. Oh WIML? [EDIT: Film midterm moved to after break. Woot!]
Okay, enough. How are you guys? Stressed? Please say you are. Misery loves company and all.
One more thing to accentuate this weirdness. Give me your favorite British word or phrase.
ex: snogging, having a shit time, etc...
I need some laughs.
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