o1. Get used to some angst. Please. I do that a lot.
o2. Don't type like an illiterate person; if you do, I'll delete your comment and ignore your existence in this world.
o3. You don't have to update very often to be on my friends list. To tell the truth, I quite often take breaks from journaling because of my busy schedule. I normally give people two or three months of hiatus before I ever remove them from my list.
o4. Have a good sense of humor and most importantly, you must be able to take sarcasm. If you can't tell the difference between a sarcastic insult and a real insult then you're not worthy of my presence (the last somewhat insulting statement being saracastic D:). Hint: I normally type these sarcastic insults in big, huge, annoying capital letters. :D
o5. If I do deny you the honor of bestowing my friendship upon you, don't take it personally please; it's probably not you who I dislike, it's probably just your grammar, which would have to be pretty ding dang bad to turn me off. I mean, my grammar sucks really bad, too. XD
Warning: I use little things like ":D" and ":3" and stuff, if you haven't noticed yet, and if that annoys you, sorry. But if you bother me about it, I'll bring the eyebrows out on you. D:<