(no subject)

Oct 08, 2008 13:29

So I've been sitting here in Panera catching up on my flist for about 45 minutes now, and my hot tea is still too effing hot to drink. Ahhhh, fast internet. How I love thee.

So I have a conundrum. I work at Lush, which is in a mall about 17 miles from my house. I just got a call from Waldenbooks at the mall that is 10 miles from my house. It is 13 miles from mall A. Should I call them back and do the interview and just tell them that I can't work past 3:30 so that I can get to my shifts at Lush at 5? Or should I tell them no and apply for the Waldenbooks at the mall I currently work in? Thoughts?

My reaction was one of glee. And some squee. And some flail.
I had a big long thing of things I loved written on the back of a receipt, but what it boils down to is this: I love that we were shown the real Mary, the one who was hot and kick ass, who loved John fiercely enough to know that she was making a deal with the devil and do it anyway, who kicked Dean in the balls with no hesitation, who wanted a better future for her children - one of safety and happiness, not weapon training, but who (I think) would have been sad for the necessity but damn proud of her boys, whom she named after her parents, and whose life and personality were so vibrant that her death left gaping holes in John, Dean and Sam too that could never be filled by another person.

That's pretty much it.

Oh, and the "Stop it, or we will." I'm not a big Castiel fan (I kind of think he's a sadistic bastard. Maybe unintentionally, because of such a vastly different POV, but a sadistic bastard nonetheless. I mean, setting him up to think that he could change things and then casually tossing out "Oh, you couldn't have changed it. We really just sent you there for information" (that was a nice touch there, go mischa). And then telling him that he was PULLED OUT OF HELL to stop Sam going darkside, which indicates killing to me, which we know is as close to hell as Dean could ever possibly get without actually being there. To which I say, HA! I knew they weren't done with that theme yet! They built up the theme of sacrifice way too much to just let it go with Dean selling his soul.

So when I said pretty much it, I was apparently wrong. This is apparently a stream of consciousness review.

And now I'm going to finish making flash cards for my job, because I have about a gazillion products + all their ingredients + the therapeutic uses of all those ingredients to memorize.

lush, supernatural

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