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Jan 11, 2010 22:42

Pretty uneventful birthday today, though the previous weekend made up for it.

Thursday I headed up to St. Louis (in the tail end of the blizzard, oh yay) to see katma and she and I headed up Friday to Chicago to that we could see Eddie Izzard Friday night. We were exceedingly lucky to be on a train, as our train and the next one were actually cancelled, but we got on the 4:30 AM one that actually left at 7:40 AM. But we made it in one piece. Our hotel was v. nice, and cheap for that part of town (about 2 blocks from the Sears Tower). Eddie was fabulous and we had great seats in the seventh row on the floor, in the far left of the right hand side (so almost center, basically).

Saturday we went to the Field Museum to see their exhibit on diamonds, which was fabulous and very sparkly (always a plus) then we popped over to the Shedd Aquarium. We sadly didn't get to spend much time there, but we did get to see one of the shows, which was kinda corny but enjoyable. Once again, we lucked into great seating. We were in the front row right center. I was about a centimeter away from touching a penguin. YAY! So cute!

And then we had to leave, sadly, but got a fabulous pizza on the way to the train station. Our train was greatly delayed (about 2 hours), but at least it eventually came.

Sunday was a lazy day. I've been sinusy and not feeling great on and off lately, and Sunday I was just exhausted and my sleep schedule had been screwed up, and I didn't feel well, so I mostly slept. Not intentionally. I had intended to read. My body had other plans. Then we got some yummy wine and watched Star Trek, which I <3.

This morning I bid katma farewell and met two other friends for breakfast at a yummy crepe place. Then I got more tea, saw the boy upon whom I had a terrible crush 1ish2ish years ago (who is scrumptious now, btw), went to Sephora and used a gift card from Christmas to get the perfume I've been coveting for the last six months (seriously, coveting. I would occasionally go in and torture myself by spraying myself with the tester and spending the rest of the day ooohing and ahhing about how good I smelled).

And then I drove home.

Tomorrow I go back to work and get a present from my sister (and meet her new puppy!) so I have things to look forward to then also.

birthday, traveling, eddie fucking izzard

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