Pretty in Pink

Aug 14, 2016 19:08

At least two people have told me in that last few weeks that I really should watch Pretty in Pink, so today I did.

I do not get the appeal. It's so fluffy and pointless.

The only characters I care about are the girl's father and co-worker. I would have enjoyed watching their stories. Why is he unemployed? How do they live? Did his wife leave him over his drinking? What's up with the co-worker's love life?

Maybe I would have enjoyed it when I was in high school in about 1981 or so, but watching it today and remembering who my friends and I were back in the 80 there is no one with whom I can identify, except maybe Duckie.

Even the supposedly "poor" girl seems to have a minimum wage job with little responsibility and full time use of a car. Things I couldn't even aspire to until I was well out of high school.

I don't get how this is a cult classic, unless it's nostalgia for a life that I never had.

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