Originally, I had intended to make my next post about various typos I've made when typing in web addresses and whether they could be placed into some sort of Freudian context. But after waking up, puttering around, etc., I've forgotten all of them. And maybe it wasn't too interesting to begin with. Things that seemed that way as I'm falling asleep rarely are.
But then, after noticing this new stye on my right upper lid, I came up with this new title - an allusion to a fourth season Sopranos ep. Don't worry; this post contains no hypochondriac hand-wringing about an eyelid pimple. I can't recall having a stye before, but I know they're not likely to cause any complications/be indicative of a more serious problems, unlike various rashes, aches, and pains that have sent me running to WebMD.
That numbness in my left ring finger and pinkie continues, along with an occasional ache. Luckily, it pretty much has to be the ulnar nerve.
Margaret: But what if it's arthritis?
Internet: No.
Neuropathy? Oh, man, look at all the scary things that could cause that...
Internet: Neuropathy is pain, dumbass. You're only having occasional pain in the arm.
Margaret: Carpal tunnel?
Internet: No. I mean, similar symptoms and same pathology, but the isolation to your fourth and fifth digits means it's the
ulnar nerve. Plus, the phone consult with the professional who TOLD YOU SO. Remember that groovy test in which you tapped the inside of your elbow and sent that shock up your arm?
Margaret: Okay, but it hasn't gone away in over two weeks.
Internet: ...you may need surgery. Doc will tell you when you see him at the end of the month.
Margaret: Good. Now show me possible complications for the surgery.
Internet: I refuse to do that. There's something wrong with you.