Jul 04, 2008 02:50
[filtered against Earl, Noah, and Komui]
Thank you to everyone who has been helping me. Without it, I wouldn't feel nearly as well as I do now. So thank you. Oh, and I apologize, too, if anyone tried to come and visit and I was asleep. I've just been really tired.
...I hope everything's all right at home. I haven't heard from them in a few days...ah! And Miranda's back, she might want her old room back again.
It's...strange, in a way. I can tell now who's coming down the hall even before they get here. Yesterday I said hello to Kamui when he walked by the door, and I think I startled him. ...I can tell when someone's here, too, or if more than one person is here. ...It's...not so bad. And maybe it will fix itself. ...They're going to take the bandages off in a week, they said, if I recover enough, so hopefully...ah...hopefully I can see again by then.
...And congraulations again, Stella. ...She sounds beautiful. Have you had a lot of visitors already?
[[ooc: She sounds happy through this whole thing, and she is, about the baby...but really she's putting on a brave face for everyone.]]