...said my stranger-in-law (my step-grandfather's granddaughter's boyfriend) while we were playing Taboo after Thanksgiving dinner. The answer? Saloon. Our team didn't get that one.
So I've gotten into poli blogs of late. I'm a Park semifinalist, so I'll be going in for an interview on the 11th (I might have to miss Organic T_T) and I hear they sometimes ask the candidate's opinion on current events. So I'm doing poli blogs and having fun along the way to the inner reaches of the proverbial loop. One of my favorites is
Wizbang. Although, right now the top page is somewhat disgraceful... -_-
Interesting article on "Podcasting." (
InstaPundit pointed it out). It [podcasting] is starting to do to mainstream radio broadcasting what poli blogs have done to mainstream news media. I realized that I would desparately want an iPod (not necessarily for podcasting), except for one thing: THAT DARN FONT. David said he thought there would be a way to change it, but he got his iPod and found there wasn't. Not that he probably minds. But if I got one for Christmas (which my mom said she was considering), before it went through a full battery cycle I'd have it under a buzz saw laughing madly and screaming, "CLICK-WHEEL THIS, LITTLE WANNABE STARBURST!!!"
The font drives me crazy.
Saw Lemony Snickett yesterday. I loved it, but I would understand if I were the only one on the face of the planet who did. The humor was so great, but it was soooo subtle, which made it all the better. Everything was subtle except Jim Carrey (Carry?). He puts the "b" in subtle. But he wasn't over-the-top and balanced it out nicely. It gets a 3.777779 out of 5.