Yesterday driving home from Lim's house, I pulled up at an intersection and there were no less than three (3) cars with license plates that began with TTC! What's even weirder is that I pulled up behind another TTC plate at a stop sign in Summerfield.
It looks like the secret society of drivers of cars with TTC plates was particularly active last night. Hmm... theoretically, at any given time, the society could have 9999 members, unless they also inducted people with vanity plates that began with TTC. That would drastically increase the maximum number of members. Yikes, this is beginning to sound like an SAT math problem. I'll quite while I'm ahead. Or floundering, as it were.
In closing, is it just me, or is
Combustible Campus Guardians a bad name for an anime? Well, actually, come to think of it, it might be a good name. It makes me think of three important themes, found to be universally central to all anime:
1. Explosions (Combustible)
2. Young people and romantic interests (Campus)
3. Giant robots (Guardians)