Nov 05, 2016 08:15
I've been told by everyone, including my mother and sister, "don't worry. its nothing. you'll be fine. nothing to worry about this is common".
DAMNIT!!! I **AM** worried and scared!!!!
When you get a "premonition" in broad daylight and not through a random dream, you PAY FUCKING ATTENTION! When the current year -2016- has been FILLED with almost all "bad", then you PAY FUCKING ATTENTION!
YES, I'm worried and scared. It's MY health we're talking about!!!!
On Wednesday, I have to get a biopsy done of my left breast. For the last 12 years all of my mammograms were "normal". This time, they called me back within days and performed a second one and the second one determined I needed the biopsy.
Yes, there are too many unknown variables, but that does not negate the fear I am feeling. It doesn't take away from my head just how bad this past year has been and this is just one more THING piled on to the bullshit.
Only one person told me I had a right to my feelings... that I had every right to feel afraid. She was honest. And she happens to be a cancer survivor.
So yes. I am afraid and worried and I have not slept all week with this shit on my brain.
I *hope* it turns out to be nothing, but right now, it does not feel like nothing.
#cancersucks #fear