Still waiting for endocrinologist to actually START working with Raven. I'm getting royally pissed because while the doctor may supposedly be very good in her field, her beside manner SUCKS ASS and her office "help" are the most unprofessional and disorganized twits imaginable! Tomorrow either I get the answers that we're hoping to get, OR we go back to the neurosurgeon and ask him point blank to do the surgery so that she can go back to school at the end of the month with SOME piece of mind! This tumor is causing her to have more headaches and the stress of college life does not help.
Other than that, the only other note-worthy piece of crap info I have is this: I NEED A FRIGGIN JOB!!!! Thanks to this "fiscal cliff" bullshit, my unemployment (along with everyone else in the US) will END ---- TOMORROW ----- lovely, huh? This is extremely frustrating and scary when you're trying to stay ahead of bills and keep your mortgage on track. **sigh**
On a totally unrelated note:
I present the Preening Teen -- he took this a couple days ago over the weekend. Him in his 17-year old "glory".
Don't worry... the girls couldn't stay out of the act. Here THEY are on Christmas eve -- taken at their respective boyfriend's homes.
Raven at 20 (she'll be 21 in February) and Miss Beth at 22 (just turned last month)
Suffice it to say - YES... I'm feeling very decidedly OLD!!!
ON THAT NOTE --- have a very HAPPY NEW YEAR Everyone.