Pairings in Fanfiction

May 17, 2013 22:01

Just some personal opinions here.

There are pairings I like and Pairings I don't and pairings I hate.

I find incest especially to be something on the don't like or hate catergory. It strikes me as lazy writing. It just seems far too easy to take a pair of siblings and shack them up when you want to write a romance. Usually it's siblings who are good looking too. Not so surprising on that. I'm also strangely (or not so) not into certain very popular pairings. Note not talking about incest anymore. Well not really.
I also rather oddly don't like pairings that involve both parties being characters I like a lot. Can't rightly explain that one myself. It just seems too much of a good thing for me. Or maybe because I have the same reasons for liking both characters and it ends up feeling like incest again when it's not.

The only Exception to the incest rule for me is the TMNT fandom. Something in the nature of their relationship is different then say two humans. Bestialty is not my thing so that leaves the Mutant Turtles with very little options without going into OC areas. OC's can be good but I hate them being brought in purely for romantic pairings.
Oh one last thing, I don't like automatic pairings where two friends of the opposite gender get paired up, just because they ARE the opposite gender.

So year Pairings that put me off:
Two of my favourite characters
Some popular pairings
Canon character with OC blank slate for love interest only.
Friends made into love interests just because they are boy and girl (man and woman)

Now to reveal the specific fandom pairings I don't like to read at all that usually fall into one of the above categories:
Sam / Dean (Supernatural)
Fili / Kili (The Hobbit)
Dwalin /Ori (The Hobbit) - tried to like but couldn't
Coulson / Barton (The Avengers)
Loki /anyone (The Avengers) - Pairing Loki with anyone turns him into a woobie in Fanfiction
Barton / Natasha Romanov (The Avengers)
Donatello /April (TMNT)
Ratchet /Sunstreaker/Sideswipe (Transformers)
Sunstreaker /Sideswipe /Bluestreak (Transformers)
Sunstreaker/Sideswipe (Transformers)
Starscream / Megatron (Transformers)
Starscream /Optimus Prime (Transformers)
Optimus Prime /Megatron (Transformers)
Jazz / Prowl (Transformers) - Just bored of it really
Mistoffeles / Victoria (CATS)
The Doctor /anyone. Especially Rose (Doctor Who)
Sherlock /Anyone (Anything with Sherlock in it)
Zach / Cam (Criminal Minds)
Buffy / Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Venkmen /Spengler (Ghostbusters)
Joxer /Ares (Xena Warrior Princess)
Vin / Ezra (Magnificant Seven tv show)
Vin / Chris / Ezra  (Magnificent Seven Tv Show)
Chris /Ezra (Magnificent Seven TV show)
Buck / JD (Magnificent Seven Tv Show)
JD /Casey (Magnificent Seven TV Show) - My only canon pairing on here?
Steve /Claudia (Warehouse 13)
Steve / Any girl (Warehouse 13) - Homosexual characters in tv shows are hard enough to find in the first place
Donut /Caboose (Red Vs Blue)
Doc /O'Malley (Red Vs Blue)
Sarge /Donut (Red Vs Blue)
Hannibal /Murdoch (The A-Team)
Dexter /Debra (Dexter)
Koushiro / Mimi (Digimon)
Sarah / The Goblin King (Labyrinth)
Hiccup /Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon)
Riddick /Jack (Pitch Black) - The second canon pairing to make my list

I'm sure there are more but I don't come across those enough to remember them anyway.
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