Headcanon: Manjoume Jun

Jun 30, 2010 22:53

So, there are a bunch of headcanon assumptions I make about Manjoume Jun whenever I play him in a game. I figure it would probably be a good idea to write these down so people know where I'm coming from.

PLEASE NOTE: Despite all of the evidence accompanying each point, I am fully aware that these aren't canon and are up for interpretation. If you think that despite my explanation I'm completely wrong and a piece of headcanon is completely impossible, please tell me and we can discuss it civilly. If you have good reasons, I might even reconsider.

:: Family/Childhood

Headcanon: Manjoume's parents are deceased, and he was raised by his brothers. Chousaku is 15 years older than him, while Shouji is 12 years older.

We see how much influence Manjoume's older brothers have over his life in the first season, and how they're the ones with such high expectations of him. You'd think that it would be more the parents' jobs to have those high expectations, but they're never mentioned. It doesn't guarantee anything, but still.

Also, Chousaku is 15 years older and Shouji 12 because Chousaku is an influential politician, meaning that he has to have had x amount of time to build that influence. Shouji doesn't look that much younger than Chousaku; hence, three years younger.

More specifics on how this works according to my headcanon: Chousaku and Shouji were born. Then, when Chousaku was 15, their mother somehow got pregnant again. Their father then panicked (despite how yes, Jun is his kid by blood, really), and they had a big fight before he went to work that morning. He died in the commute that day (after he had decided he needed to apologize - he never got to) - freak car crash. The mother then fell into a deep depression and let her health go, only having enough energy to give birth to Jun before dying due to complications in childbirth.

:: Special Abilities

Headcanon: Manjoume has always been able to see spirits since he was a kid. Also this extends to human ghosts.

When he first actually communicated with Ojama Yellow, I don't know about you, but it seemed to me like he was less concerned about how there was this thing he was seeing that the other guy couldn't and more about "what is that hideous thing that's talking to me". As though he's done it before, even if it was (likely) a while ago. As for the human ghosts... well, why shouldn't he be able to?

Headcanon: His ability to summon lightning is a canon power and not just an in-joke by the artists.

It did manage to fry one poor computer, after all.

:: Relationships

Headcanon: In terms of sexuality, Manjoume is uninterested with exceptions. He is also heavily romance-focused and believes in only having sex after marriage.

Whether you want to consider him heterosexual or bisexual doesn't matter to me. (But no, he can't be pure homosexual - huge plot-point crush on Asuka, after all.) It takes a lot for him to really care about someone and consider them as even a friend, and it's even rarer for him to consider someone more than that. In fact, the only people he'd really consider his relationship with to be more than friendship are Asuka, Fubuki, the Ojamas (after episode 88), and maybe Judai depending on how you define it (it's certainly more complicated than simple friendship). I heavily doubt he'd be that interested in frivolous romance with someone he doesn't feel anything special towards.

As for the second sentence, frankly, he turned away and blushed when she was just reaching into her shirt to pull her key out - she wasn't even opening it up or showing anything or anything of the sort. I sincerely doubt that he's someone who would be that comfortable yet with himself to want to have sex with someone until they're both ready for it.

How does this translate into how I play him? Simple! I don't do romance with him unless it's with an Asuka, and I don't write sex. That's all. No discussion of it or anything.

Oh, and P.S. - I absolutely despise the more-common-than-it-rightly-should-be, horrible characterization of Manjoume Jun as a rapist and/or abusive in relationships. He is not that, he was never that, I cannot see him as ever becoming that, and I get very upset when people characterize him as such.

Headcanon: Post-season 2, Manjoume doesn't remember the grand majority of his time in the Hikari no Kessha - he might remember a few broad details over time, but most of it is a big blank. His relationship with Saiou post-series is... well, he avoids him and doesn't trust him one bit, but he'll be civil in public when he must talk to him.

I don't see any reason why he should have been lying about it when he said he didn't remember a thing in episode 88. And frankly, with that amount of mental trauma with suddenly realizing that everything you thought you knew for the last six months was a lie, combined with the Light probably not wanting to give away its secrets, the Light and his brain probably worked together on the Light's way out to purposefully block it all.

As for Saiou... well, I think if Manjoume hadn't figured out that Saiou was being manipulated by an evil force of the universe by the end of the series, someone would have told him. And considering that he doesn't remember most of it, there's no reason for him to completely hate him, but there is the fact that what happened happened, so I don't see why he would completely trust him unequivocally either.

Note: This does not apply to the alternate universe in which Fubuki dies and everything attempts to explode.

Headcanon: Incidentally, while possessed by the Light of Ruin, a human is sterile.

I don't see why the Light of Ruin would allow its followers to procreate. That's creation of life, not destruction of it!

:: Misc.

Headcanon: Wardrobe Fairies exist.

They have to exist, darn it! I mean, come on! Episode 88, Manjoume didn't throw his white shirt and pants in the air with his white coat, but when he has his black coat on, his shirt and pants are black too!

And it's not just in GX-verse either! They exist in Channel Awesome-verse, too. At the end of part 5 of Kickassia, Linkara has a brown shirt on under his coat at first, but when he takes his coat off to reveal his Starfleet uniform, the shirt doesn't come with it. He's been blessed by the Wardrobe Fairies too!

notes: headcanon, fandom: yuugiou gx

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