Collection Post: Econtra Epilogue for AU Tenjoin Asuka and AU Manjoume Jun

Apr 04, 2009 21:03

As they're from the same world, idolfragrance and black_not_white experience the same post-Econtra events, and have the same epilogue. Therefore, instead of writing the same thing twice, I've decided to combine theirs.

This is how it's going to work. It's going to be written in almost-real time (to the day, anyway) over the course of this coming week. Each day, Asuka's journal will receive an entry - IC'ly, these are written in a small notebook. A travelogue, if you will, of her experience back on the island.

Starting the late evening of the fourth day, Manjoume's journal will also be added to. His won't be a diary of any kind - instead, his journal will contribute more log-like material. Why the fourth day? Because that's when he was brought to Econtra. Everything that happened earlier than that for him can be found detailed in his history.

This post will serve as a sort of collection for all relevant entries. Why? Because I feel like making one. ^^

Tenjoin Asuka
:: idolfragrance ::Manjoume Jun
:: black_not_white ::
:: Day 1 ::~ Established History ~
:: Day 2 ::
:: Day 3 ::
:: Day 4 ::~ Something Has Changed ~
:: Day 5 ::~ I'm Sorry, For Everything ~
:: Day 6 ::~ No Mountain Too Great ~
:: Day 7 ::~ When Tomorrow Comes ~

written: epilogue, rp: econtra, fandom: yuugiou gx

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