Just spent a wonderful day (and really it has been most of my day so far - I went to get my folks about half an hour after waking and other than a short detour to
the Wedge) - going to two lectures and taking a much too hurried look at
Illuminating the Word: the St. John's Bible. The St. John's Bible is the first hand written bible to be commissioned since printed versions were available and is nearing completion (it should be done in 2007). Unfortunately the pics they have up on the web site ony begin to catch the most basic form of the pages where almost all of what's fun is in the details. Thinks like the guilded digital representations of the psalms being sung (and of Sufi and Taoist chants being sung). Exquisite pictures of the insects and flora of central Minnesota. Multiple artists out a variety of traditions working on the same page.
The lectures have lots of as of yet unformed thoughts on collaborative works, mixing old and new, mixing traditions, and mixing words and images bubbling around in my head. Oh, and how much all of this reminds me of fannish work, espcially vidding.
If you have even the slightest interest in calligraphy, illumination, art history, graphic design or just plain beautiful stuff and have a chance I strongly recommending going and seeing it, even if you are not Christian.