[VID] Verb for ST(2009)

Aug 29, 2010 23:40

The problem with being on concom is that it takes just those extra couple of days to recover enough to actually POST after a con. So here, belatedly, is my contribution to this year's Vividcon Premiere show is Verb: That's What's Happening from Schoolhouse Rock for Star Trek (2009).
Summary: Kirk is such a verb.

Downloads available (right click and save):
DIVX MKV file (21 MG)
WMV file (23 MG)
MPG2 file (DVD equivalent - 132MG)
Notes: I had originally tried to sell Killa on this as a ST:TOS vid idea years ago, but given how closely the structure of the movie mirrors the lyrics I'm now quite content that it never happened. This entry was originally posted at http://lapillus.dreamwidth.org/101241.html. Read
comments here.

vid, vidding, st:xi

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