(no subject)

Dec 27, 2008 15:53

once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice.

christmas was... wait, christmas didn't even happen for me. also because of the economy and just how much damage it has done to so many people, my family on this side did feel the sting. but i have a few lovely friends that did actually get me some lovely things when they didn't have to, because to be honest, i couldn't get anybody much of anything and even -just- sent my secret santa gifts and christmas cards out only a day ago. it also makes me dissapointed, as ever, to see people bitch about how their holidays were terrible, and this, and that, and that they hate being with their family or just want the stress to be over, and yet go on and make a nice list of what they got for christmas. and let me tell you, they are pricey lists. how can you call your holidays horrible when people are handing you things anyway? i understand stress and bad families (oh hell yes i do), but good god, be -greatful-! otherwise you're so selfish and i can't see how you are not capable of peeling back your eyes for a second from your misserable world and to see how good things can be.
for the first time ever i had a bad surprise this year. i'll start off by saying i got nothing from my family, or at least was not supposed to. my brother and i were going to go in on a gift together for mom and not get each other anything. but even the price for mom's gift went up and i wasn't able to get it yet. than comes the holiday morning and my brother surprises me with a $20 gift certificate to borders. i was really... really shocked. than that night mom calls me up tearing me a new asshole that my brother was really torn up and sad that i didn't get him anything when he didn't even give me money yet for mom's gift. so now i have to find mom a different gift, something cheaper to get, and find something for ian. him and mom are just doing the backstabbing thing again. i called ian up to appoligize about the gift and misunderstanding and he told me to not to worry about it but i know he will talk to mom again if i don't get him anything. i have to figure that out again....
and i know if i don't get mom anything she'll be so hurt. even though she says she's not hurt i know she will be.
so i got small gifts from umeko_pyon and patchouli. and april sent me a great picture of Keylime for my secret santa, i'm so touched! i can't believe i even got presents from friends. it was so sweet.
i found it refreshing to not get many gifts at all; i didn't even expect to get gifts from the few friends (stated above) who did send me gifts. even my other friends and boyfriend didn't get me anything since we all understood we had no money to buy anything. so in place we just had parties and made food and drank together. that was the best present- to know i had friends. true friends.

friends, holiday, christmas

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