OMG, what a crack pot!!!

Jul 27, 2005 12:20

Oh wow... I just went to the biggest crack pot doctor in the whole freaking world! His office, waiting room included was probably the size of my whole kitchen. The place was dingy and tucked in this little cornor in Elkton. The doctor was his own receptionist and when you called him, you called him on his cell phone. To top it all off, he was the most arrogant SOB I've ever met in my life and that's saying something!

Let me start this story off at the beginning. Since a few months before I went to France, I've had something either in the wart or corn family growing on my foot. Probably more of a wart but whatever. Anyway, I didn't deal with it before I left for France and I certainly was not going to deal with it in France. So I've had it a year and a half, two years now. Well, it was starting to become painful after walking all over Europe with it and then at my retail job. So after trying various wart and corn over the counter removal methods, I finally conceded defeat and went to the podiatrist.

I arrive and am stunned by the state of his office. There's no privacy, you can see right into the patient room. It looks as though he's running the practice right out of his own apartment building and from the state of the place, not making lots of bucks while doing it. Nevertheless, I have an appointment and its too late to change it now so I dutifully fill out all the paperwork and wait my turn. He calls me back. I explain my problem and he looks at my foot. Immediately, he starts going on and on about the health of my feet and about how I need to start moisterizing them and soaking them and I have too many calluses and blisters. I'm like dude, I just came back from Europe where I walked around almost half of it! Plus, I have a retail job where I'm on my feet the whole time I'm there. Duh, my feet are going to be kind of nasty! So he starts cutting away at my hard skin and calluses, going on and on about how I should start getting regular pedicures because they would help the health of my feet and ya di ya di da. He finally addresses the problem at hand and insists that I should have an operation done on my foot instead of acid treatment because acid treatment takes a long time, I'd have to keep coming back in, there's a higher risk of it coming back. After I said I'd think about the operation, he then goes on to tell me that I won't be able to walk on my foot for ONE MONTH after I get the thing cut out! He's like and when I say one month, I mean one month where you must REST! No working, no school, NOTHING! Because if you start moving around, there's a risk for infection in the area. You'll be on crutches but if you want more mobility, I"ll sell you a special shoe that costs $55 so you can move around at least a little bit. I'm like fuck this! That's impossible! I can't miss one month of classes just cuz I have a bitty hole in my foot that just MIGHT get infected! So I said I'd think about it and got ready to leave.

Once I'm trying to pay for the stupid visit, he starts trying to sell me all these foot care products. He's like well, we have this skin moisturizer for your foot you can use and an antifungal cream. Plus, I can give you special antipersperant for your feet so you don't develop blisters when you sweat for $15 bazillion dollars if you would like. Or, you can try your luck with your insurance and I'll just give you prescriptions for everything. I was like well, I'd rather wait until I get home and see what my parents have. I know both my parents have a whole series of anti fungal this and that plus moisturizers and feet soaking kits. He gives me this look of utter loathing and goes "That's not what we discussed. I mean, was I even saying anything in there? We're working with a specific time frame here. This is no time to start experimenting with products for your feet. I know these will work and these are what I told you to use" and procedes to write me out five different perscriptions for creams and pills and the like in addition to advising me to buy all these over the counter products on top of the prescriptions. By this point, I'm just ready to get out of there before I tell him where exactly he can SHOVE his prescriptions so I make the mandatory next appointment where by that time he hopes I will return with "baby feet" because otherwise, we'll have to postpone the operation. Needless to say, I will strive to my greatest extent to ensure that I will not have to keep THAT appointment!

Urgh!!! Stupid doctors... I have another appointment with a different podiatrist to get a second opinion. I'd rather avoid going back to this crack pot if I can. What a morning its already been... and I still work 2-9:30 after all this!! oi vey...
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