May 05, 2008 23:37
Much as I love working at Borders, they are cutting payroll hours, and can only offer me 20 hours/week for the summer, which is obviously not enough. On a whim this afternoon, I drove over to the Clyde's restaurant in Ashburn, and they hired me on the spot. I start in a week as a hostess, and in 2-3 weeks I'll be put as a server. I asked a girl how much servers make on an average night, and she said that the tips average out to 8-11/hour on a weekday, and thursday-saturday, you make anywhere from 20-40/hour. That is AMAZING. I'll still work part-time at Borders when I can, but generally speaking, I'm just contingent.
In other news, Ashburn sort of sucks. I registered for an Intro to Macroeconomics class today at NOVA, which will occupy at least some of my time until June 30th. I've decided that this summer is going to rock. Tim and I are planning a bunch of fun weekend things we want to do, which will hopefully work out with my new job, and we're going to see YOYO MA at the Kennedy Center on June 29th, which should be incredible, to say the least. The entire week prior, my parents are going to the beach with my sisters, but I have class that I really can't miss, and I don't want to miss the concert with Tim, so I'll be home alone, which basically means I'll get an entire week with Timmay and/or friends sleeping over. So, needless to say, I'm stoked.
I miss Harrisonburg! It was just starting to get GORGEOUS when I had to leave. I wish I had stayed until Tuesday now, because I've just been running errands, but not much else. I'm pathetic, I've only been home for 30 hours.
Nothing else. Seacrest out.