Art Contribution in a Ficathon and more! :-)

Sep 15, 2004 08:00

For spren_cious’s Whitney Fordman Ficathon, I had the chance to make a manip! Master list here.

My manip prompt from spren_cious was: Whitney being ravished by both Clark and Lex, stripping, kissing, touching, leading up to the dirty deed.

All three Muses were delight by that turns of event! They were already on vacation on their private island, so convincing Clark and Lex to strip and kiss Whitney wasn’t hard, it just took more time that I expected to receive the picture. ;-)

(Summer Retreat)

Thanks to goth_clark for making the special Clark’s caps that I needed!

ETA: Icon claimed by Joanne!

Also today is spren_cious Birthday! And it turns out that Whitney was all eager to be part in a second picture for that occasion!

(In You Arms)

Have a fantastic day!
Best wishes!

A special thanks to kelex for making gorgeous Whitney’s caps!


And finally, Happy Birthday vissy!
Have a wonderful day!
Best wishes!

lex/whitney, sv threesome

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