
Apr 27, 2003 12:00


What time is it: Exactly noon

What is the date: 1/27/03

*~*~Info about you~*~*

Full Name: Darrell Wallace Bartlett

Age: 15

Sex: Male

Birthday: 5/25/87

Where do you live: Kansas. Yes, feel sorry for me.

Where else have you lived: Orlando, Manhattan, and Topeka.

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

What school do you go to: Shawnee Mission West

What is your mascot : Viking

What are your school colors: Blue and gold

What year are you: 10

Nicknames: La Parka, Nerp, or Karl Marx

Do you have anyother screen names: Nope

What are they: I said no. What, are you gonna hound me for the rest of my life about it?

Where were you born: Lawrence, Kansas, but I was coneived in Orlando. Or so I'm told.

What hospital: Hospital? Not likely.

What are your hobbies: Music, writing.

Are you religious: Not particularly

What religion are you: I'm a Deist. Yes, really.

Hair color: Brown

Ever died your hair: Afraid not.

What color: Whore.

Hair length: Um, short.
Eye color: Green

Height: About 5'10", I'd say

Weight: 138

Have any pets: Two dogs and a snake

Whats their names: Dogs: Lemmy and Joe. Snake: Joseph Stalin

Siblings: Yes

Names and age: Timothy, 12 or 13, or something

What do you fear most in the world: Dying alone

What do you regret the most: I have no regrets.

If you could do anything without consequences, what would it be: I'd like a few free murders.....

Do you have braces: Yes

Do you have glasses: Um, contacts now, but I used to.

Are you good at school: I could be, if I cared enough to.

Shoe size: 13


Car: I don't care.

Color car: Red, green, and black

Color: See above

Teacher: Mr. Keiter, my History teacher.

Class: Writer's Workshop and World History

Day of the week and why: Friday, because that's when the stuff that happens, happens.

Holiday: Halloween

Season: Winter

Month: May

Fruit: Grapes

Veggie: Asparagus

Sport: Underwater basket weaving

Sports team: I don't have one, really. The Royals, I guess.

Food: Italian food of all kinds.

Drink: Coke. It's better than Pepsi, dammit.

Animal: Snakes

Store: Borders
Video rental store: Video Library

Joke: What's brown and sticky?
A stick.

Saying: "Just what I always wanted, ballroom dancing with the goat mayor."

Word: Hmm. I like Quagmire.

Brand of shoes: Cheap ass Wal Mart brands

Room in your house: My room

Salad: One piece of lettuce and half a bottle of ranch dressing. I heart ranch dressing.

Meat: I don't eat much meat, but I enjoy chicken

Pizza Topping: Pepporoni

Place to be: At my school, when it's not in session. Preferably during show week.

Smell: Rotting flesh.

Sound: Music

Taste: What the hell kind of question is this? Um, salt.

Feeling: Content

Letter: Um, I don't know.

Number: 912

Book: The Stand - Stephan King or The Pillars Of The Earth - Ken Follett

Vacation spot: Orlando. Greatest place on Earth.

Grandma: I don't particularly like either one of my grandmothers. So there.

Grandpa: Well, um, I dunno. So there.

Cereal: Golden Grams

Ice cream flavor: Mint

Cookie flavor: Peanut butter chocolate chip

Flower: I like roses, I guess.

*~*~What do you think of when you hear this~*~*

Banana: Boat

Bill: Law

Britney: Whore

Lamb: Chop

Bubba: Ray Dudley

Victoria: Record

Dildo: No comment.

Ass: Cunt

Shadow: 's Fall

Beep Beep: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Moo: Bie

Bambi: Irritating
*~*~This or That~*~*

Sox or Cubs: Bah

Breakfast or Dinner: Dinner

Day or Night: Night

Radio or Cd's: CDs
Internet or Phone: Internet

Happy or sad: Neither. Extreme emotions either way cloud your judgement.

Guy or girl: Girl, I guess.

Sexy or Cute: Cute

Tuff or wimpy: Tuff? Like the band? Well, I don't like them, so I'll say wimpy.

Strong or weak: Strong

Funny or hilarious: Hilarious

Summer or winter: Winter

Love or lust: Love

Friends or family: Friends

Car or truck: Truck

Dog or cat: Dog

Give or receive: Give

Sex or no sex: Oh come on, the answer is obvious.

Walk or run: Walk, don't run, from......THE BLOB! Sorry, er, walk, I guess.

Inside or outside: Inside. I'm a shut in.

Up or down: Down

In or out: Kinky. In, baby.

Back or front: Front

Hurricane or Tornado: Hurricane, because they remind me of Florida.

Thunder or lightning: Thunder
Rain or snow: Snow

Hail or sleet: Hail

Sunny or cloudy: Cloudy

Loud or quiet: LOUDLOUDLOUD

Hard or soft: Bwahahaha.

Mcdonalds or Burger king: Neither one. I despise fast food.

Hardee's or Arby's: See above

Rebel or goodie goodie: Rebel

Coffee or tea: Tea

Coke or pepsi: Coke

Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper: They both taste like ass.

White chocolate or normal chocolate: Dark chocolate, actually.

Britney or Christina: Neither.

Black or white: Black

Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

Diary or journal: Journal

Writing or typing: Either one. Whichever is more convenient at the time.

Cold or hot: Cold

Pen or pencil: Pen

Candle or insence: Insence

Plain paper or lined paper: Plain paper

Blonde or brunette: Um, neither. I prefer redheads.

Curly or straight: Curly

Blanket or sleeping bag: Blanket

Shower or bath: Bath

Body wash or soap: Soap

Purfume or Body spray: Body spray

Wal-mart or target: Target, but only because I hate Wal Mart.

American Eagle or Abercrombie: Both should die.

Hamburgers or hotdogs: Neither

Pop tart or toaster strudels: Pop Tarts

Chicken or turkey: Chicken.

MTV or VH1: I like Much Music, actually.

Shorts or pants: I never, ever wear shorts.

Tank tops or t-shirts: T Shirts

Rich and dumb or Poor and smart: Poor and smart

Markers or colored pencils: Colored pencils

Boxers or briefs: Actually, boxer breifs. Best of both world, bichets.

Nike or Adidas: Adidas, only because it's a cooler name.

Innie or outie: Um... *checks* Innie.

Hot tub or sauna: Hot tub

Land or water: Land

Sneeze or cough: Sneeze

Skittles or M&M's: Skittles

Truth or dare: Dare

East or west: East

North or south: North

Letterman or leno: Conan O'Brein

SNL or mad tv: SNL

Drummers or guitar players: Guitar players.

*~*~Which way would you spell it~*~*

Megan or Meghan: Meghan

Lacey or Lacy: Lacey

Steven or Stephen: Stephen

Kurt or Curt: Kurt

Mark or Marc: Mark

Brandi or Brandy: Brandi

Eric or Erik: Eric

Corrine or Carine: Carine

Kari or Carrie: Carrie

Jackie or Jackqui: Jackqui

Deseray or Desirae: Deseree

Ashley or Ashleigh: Ashleigh

Their or there: There

Two, too, or to: Too

Here or hear: Hear

*~*~Love life~*~*

Do you have a crush: Yes

Whats his or her name: Hannah

How old are they: 13 or 14, I think.

How long have you liked him or her: About a half a year.

If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: See above

If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: See above, again.

What is the biggest turn off: Being a snob.

What is the biggest turn on: Intelligence and a nice personality.

Do you prefer being the dumper or the dumpee: I could never dump someone, so I guess the dumpee.

Do you think there is a person for everyone: I'm beginning to doubt it.

If yes, do you know who yours is: Probably not, knowing my luck

Where is the best place to be kissed: Lips and face.

Where is the most romantic place to take a date: I don't know, I know shit all about romance.

Do you believe in love at first sight: Sometimes

Have you ever been in love: Yes

What do you think love is: Finding someone willing to put up with you, and you're willing to put up with them.

Do you have a b/f or g/f: Ehh, sort of.

Do you want one: Yes

How long have you been together: A few weeks, sort of, again.

What do you like about your crush or b/f, g/f: Just about everything.

When was your first kiss: A few years ago.


First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Finchem

Last word you said: Cunt, most likely.

Last song you sang: Alice In Chains - Down In A Hole

Last meal you ate: A shake and some fries.

Favorite childhood cartoon: Rocko's Modern Life

What did you hate most about skool: Poor spelling.

Last person you flipped off: George

Last song stuck in your head: Elvis Costello - No Action

What line/verse: "I don't wanna kiss you, I don't wanna touch/I don't wanna see you, 'cause I don't miss you that much"

Last time you were burned: You mean literally? Yesterday at noon, when I was cooking.

How: On a pot.

Last time you bled: This morning, when a blood blister popped on the roof of my mouth. Very unpleasant.

Favorite game show as a child: Rock N' Roll Jeopardy


What's in your CD player: Nirvana - In Utero

What color sox are you wearing: No socks

What's under your bed: Magazines and old yearbooks

What's the weather like: Warm

What is on your wall: Pictures, posters, flyers.

What time did you wake up today: 5. I hate my brother.

Did you think it was earlier, later, or on time: It was five in the morning, I don't think anything that early.


Who do you want to marry: I don't know.

Are you going to college: Yes

If so, how long do you want to go: Six years

Where do you want to go: K-State, or Florida State.

What is your career going to be: English literature professor/author

Where are you going to live: Here, or Florida.

How many kids do you want: I dunno, two sounds about right.

Kids names girls: I've always liked Sunday.

Kids names boys: I heard someone was going to name their son Agreement. I love that name, so, yeah, Agreement.

Where do you want your honeymoon: Austrailia. Specifically, the Great Barrier Reef.

What kind of car will you have: I don't know

What kind of house will you have: Um, one with rooms.

*~*~Have you ever~*~*

Smoked: No

Been Drunk: No

Been high: No

Done drugs: No

Skinny dipped: Yes

Partied until the sun came up: Not partied, but I did run around the block all night.

Stole: Nothing big

Stayed up all night on the internet: Yes, several times

Met someone off the internet (in person): Um, no

Cried over a guy/girl: Yes

Been in a fist fight: No

Been in a cat fight: No

Wanted to kill someone: All the time

Fell off a chair: Yes

Kissed the same sex: Besides my dad, no.

Had feelings for the same sex: Nope. Sorry to dissapoint you.

Lap danced: No


Do you belive in the horoscopes: No

Do you like your handwriting: It's okay

If you could be anybody, who would you be and why: Elvis Costello, because he is "teh r0xx0r", so to speak.

What superhero would you be: La Parka!

Do you have any piercings: No

Any tattoos: No

If so where: NO

If not, where and what do you want: My name backwards across my forehead.

Are you picky: About some things, yes

What makes you cry: Women

What makes you mad: Too many things

What do you think of Eminem: Loudmouthed idiot.

Who do you admire: JD Salinger. He owns.

Do you like cartoons: Of course, who doesn't?

Do you believe in heaven: I dunno, I guess.

Do you believe in God: Possibly.

Do you think there is a hell: Maybe. Enough with the damn religion questions, you get the point already.

Do you believe in the devil: Urgh, maybe.

What is the one place you have to visit before you die: The Great Barrier Reef

What did you do today: Went to pick up my brother, came home, ate, listened to music.

Where do you work: Nowhere, currently.

Do you even have a job you lazy bum: No

Are your 'rents lame: Sometimes

Do you own a miniskirt: No

Do you floss: No

What is the farthest your have traveled: Florida. I suck, I know.

What kind of shampoo do you use: Head And Shoulders. YES, I HAVE DANDRUFF, FUCK YOU.

What about conditioner: None, usually.

Do you use big words to sound smart: All the time, all the time.

When you get mad, do you swear a lot: I swear a lot even when I'm not mad.

Got milk: Oh yes.

Do you have a magic 8 ball: Reply hazy, please ask again. BWAHAHAHAHA I am so funny. No, actually, I don't.

Name something that comes in threes: Pigs?

Ever worn black nail polish: Yes

Do you have hairy arms: Sort of

How many sheets are on your bed: One

Whats under your bed: Didn't you already ask this? I think so.

Do you have your own tv and vcr: Yes, but they barely work and I never use them.

Do you believe in fate: Not really, no.

Do you see dead people: All the time

Are you a good speller: Yes

What is your lucky charm: HIPPO

Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway: I drive on the sidewalk.

Do you like little kids: No

Are you talented: Not really

If so, how: I'm not, I said.

Ever hugged a tree: Yes, but I got all sappy.

Do you watch the weather channel while getting ready in your hotel room on vacation: No

Do you ever steal anything from hotels: No

Ever seen a ghost: No

How about an alien: No

Do you beleive in either of them: Aleins, yes, Ghosts, no


Did you waste any time doing this: About forty minutes.

Did you like this survey: No, it sucked
Were you bored: Yes

Did you skip any questions: No, I swear.

If so, fix them!: Suck my ass.

What time is it: 12:51. Damn you.

Say something nice about the person who sent this to you: Laura is a top notch person.
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