So I was at Azkatraz and I saw this awesome costume of the Team Fortress 2 blue spy, pictured below, with a disguise mask* of Harry's face. I wanted to get a picture of him and I couldn't because NO ONE HAD ANY CAMERAS D:<
*The spy is capable of disguising as any other character; to his teammates, he looks like he's simply wearing a mask. Pictured behind the cut is a picture of the Engineer mask on a red spy.
I NEED PICTURES OF THAT COSPLAYER. I know like a bajillion people who will think he was the TOTAL AWESOME SHIT and I need to FIND HIM. Google searches for "azkatraz spy" "azkatraz harry potter spy" "azkatraz spy team fortress" and other variations turned up nothing. PLEEEEZE, IF YOU SEE A MYSTERIOUS MASKED MAN WITH A KNIFE AND A BLUE SUIT IN YOUR PICTURES, SEND ME THEMMMMMM.