So it's a bad thing, right? Maybe? Maybe not. Never fear, there is reasoning!
I am reading
Questionable Content, a very funny and well-drawn webcomic by some dude named Jeph. In the strip previous to the one linked (I just linked to where I was. Hit First to read from the beginning!) Dora's mother is talking about the leather pants Dora would wear for days at a time until they stank to high heaven. This was when Dora was in high school. Dora's boyfriend turned to her and said, "You're never allowed to scold me for wearing the same pair of socks two days in a row again."
But... as someone who had some trouble with clothing-related hygiene, wouldn't Dora know pretty well what acceptable clothing-related hygiene is? Yes, she is being a bit of a hypocrite, but it isn't like she's wearing the stinky leather pants NOW. She USED to wear them, learned that they are nasty, and has better habits now. She learned from her mistake! Now she is trying to help others learn, by beseeching them not to wear nasty socks.
SO basically what it boils down to is this: If the person being hypocritical is Really hypocritical, then that's annoying. No telling me to stop smoking cigarettes while you take a hit off your joint, okay? (For reference, I don't smoke pot OR tobacco. They're both nasty. So's alcohol.) But if you used to smoke and you had a rough time with it, maybe, and you learned from it and now you're telling me that hey, it's really not good for me, then okay, I think I can accept your advice. Because you KNOW. Because you DID it.
Anyway. This concludes Thinky Thoughts Of The Day (brought to you by the letter 5 and the number ~!). Tune in tomorrow for Vampire Hunter D: An Examination of Balasz' Name, Its Meaning and Pronunciation, and Why This Book Should Never Have Been Written.
...Random: My little brother jsut asked me if I have a ninja toe. Yes! I have ten. They are attached to my boyfriend's feet. (I also have one ninja cock. ^_^) He meant ninjato. NIN jah toe? no. nin JAH toe, yes!
(Perhaps Ninja Toe is an affliction! The callouses one gets on the tips of your toes from sneaking about on tiptoe all the time! I am super clever.)
Next time on Your Japanese Skillz Fail You, karaoke, and why Americans should never practice it! (At least not the English-speaking ones. Spanish has its vowels pretty well sorted out as far as sensible pronunciation goes.)