Random stuff

Nov 03, 2008 00:00

First off, I've updated this post with some thoughts on Ravenclaws!

Second, I would like to point you all to this fandom survey in which the poster asks how one became involved with fandom, among other things. There aren't very many responses yet, which is the only reason I'm pimping this.

Third, I have a meme! Food Meme, stolen from... oh dear, now I can't find who it was stolen from! But here it is regardless:

What's the last thing you ate?
Mint-chocolate cookies, the kind that are best frozen. They're like Thin Mints, you know, the kind Girl Scouts sell.

What's your favorite cheese?
Probaly cheddar just because it's what I think of when people say 'cheese.' Definitely not pepper jack.

What's your favorite fish?
I don't generally like fish. I'll eat tuna salad with lots of flavorful ingredients--it's the only time I like raw onions--or halibut (sometimes cod) fish'n'chips smothered, covered, dripping in tartar sauce and lemon juice. Tasty, that.

What's your favorite fruit?
This is a tough one. It depends on my mood, I guess. Plums are always a winner, as are strawberries and blueberries are amazing. I've only had a pomegranate once, and I had no knife, only fingernails, and I didn't know how to eat it, only which parts to eat, and it was damned cold when it happened--we were in line waiting for midnight so we could buy Nintendo Wiis. But I love pomegranate juice, especially when mixed with blueberry juice. And then you use frozen blueberries instead of ice to cool the drink... *cough* I like sweet apples, not sour ones, and pineapple and watermelon (we're growing orange ones this spring/summer!) and pretty much anything that most would call a fruit. Not tomatoes, though. Don't like tomatoes.

When, if ever, did you start liking olives?
I can't speak for good olives, because I've only ever had canned black olives. When I was a kid I liked them because they were toys--you stuck them on your fingers and made your hands into frog hands. And then you had to eat them, which I never minded.

When, if ever, did you start liking beer?
Ew. No. Gross.

When, if ever, did you start liking shellfish?
I've never really tried shellfish because my experience with All Other Seafood is that I don't like it, to varying degrees. I'll eat fried fish if it is absolutely smothered in lemon juice and tartar sauce, as mentioned above, but if I can taste fish it's not tasty. On the other end of the spectrum is nori (seaweed) which I eat occasionally wrapped around sushi. The sushi is probably tasty, but I can't tell because I'm too busy gagging on the nori.

What was the best thing your parent/s used to make?
My mom modified teh recipe on the back of the bags of chocolate chips so that we would get dough without eggs. It's sit for an hour or so and everyone would nibble of of it, and then we'd add the eggs and bake. One of my best memories ever.

What's the native specialty of your home town?
I don't even know. Someone even told me once. Oh! Now I remember. Sake--that's the preferred alcoholic drink of the Japanese. And just so you stupid English-speakers know, it's sah-keh, not sah-key. (Also, karaoke is kah-rah-oh-ke. Karryokey. Fuck you all.)
...I suppose I should let those who may be offended by my hatred of English speakers that I am an English speaker, I just know how to pronounce the Japanese words we've stolen.

What's your comfort food?
This is another tough one. I love chocolate--not 70% cacao pure high-quality chocolate, oh no. Too bitter. I love Hershey's Milk. Just by itself. No nuts, not wrapped around other stuff, just chocolate. (Although I do also like Snickers and Milky Way, those are not chocolate. Those are candy.) Hershey's Milk Chocolate in any form--kisses, bars, or melted blobs--is probably the closest think I have to a comfort food.

What's your favorite type of chocolate?
...I must admit to typing just 'LOL' here before I remembered that I really hate that word. See above?

How do you like your steak?
I prefer chicken over beef of any sort, honestly. Beef is too heavy for me, and since most of the beef I've eaten in my life was ground beef, and since I really don't like the texture of ground meat at all, beef just makes me think ground meat even when it's not. So steak isn't really my thing.

How do you like your burger?
See above, again! Ground meat=icky.

How do you like your eggs?
On toast every time. I don't particularly like eggs, though I don't have to entirely mask their flavor as I do with fish. Fried with just a smidge of olive oil on buttered toast with a slice of cheese on top os wonderful; another peice of toast for the sandwich top is great, and bacon inside adds texture and flavor and overall goodness. Scrambled is also okay this way, and you don't have to deal with runny drippy yolk, but you do have to deal with little bits falling out all the time.

How do you like your potatoes?
I lovde red potatoes, the little kind, cut into bite-size peices and put in a shallow baking pan--kind of like what you'd put a cake in, but BIG--and baked with olive oil, maybe butter too, I'm nut sure, and rosemary and lavender and thyme and--really, I'm just listing the things that sound tasty and familiar, I'm not really sure how they're really cooked. BUT THEY ARE TASTY.

How do you take your coffee?
1. Go to coffeehouse chain Starbuck's. I'm a corporate whore, I know.
2. Smell delicious coffee smell.
3. Order milk steamer (most often with almond syrup) and muffin mint-chocolate-chip frappucino (how the fuck are you supposed to spell that? goddamn). Do not be seduced by delicious coffee smell into actually ordering coffee. That way lies bitter disappointment.
Original answer preserved with edits because it is So Right.

How do you take your tea?
Rarely. Usually I steep mint leaves and chill those, sometimes sweetened, sometimes not. But that's not really tea.

What's your favorite mug?
The one that says "Cats know exactly how you feel. They don't give a damn, but they know." One of my favorite Goodwill finds.

What's your cookie of choice?
Raw. I love cookie dough--chocolate chip, sugar, whatever. My current favorite cookies are three-ingredient peanut butter cookies: a cup of no-sugar peanut butter, a cup of sugar, one egg. Bake at 400 degrees for 8 minutes.
Original answer preserved because I want to be able to come back here and say "Wasn't there an interesing cookie recipe in my LJ recently?" My answer below.
Otameal-chocolate-peanut butt no-bakes. Tasty raw or... raw! ^-^

What's your ideal breakfast?
The egg sandwich described above.

What's your ideal sandwich?
I dunno. Tasty. Maybe see above?

What's your ideal pizza (topping and base)?
Um. Iunno. For a long time Schlotsky's (really tasty local-ish sandwich chain) had a pizza offere where you'd get an individual pizza and could pick any three toppings; I usually got green peppers, green onions (SO tasty) and smoked turkey because it seemed the lightest and healthiest of the meats. THAT was some damn good pizza, and I often find myself missing it.

What's your ideal pie (sweet or savory)?
I dunno, I don't eat pie often enough to care. I can tell you that I don't like pumpkin or pecan pies.

What's your ideal salad?
You know the mixed-salad bags with iceberg lettuce, shreds of carrot, and that gross purple stuff? That, with Lighthouse Chunky Bleu Cheese or Newman's Own Garlic and Somethingorother. Excep without the gross purple stuff, because it's gross, and with more carrot shreds because there aren't enough of those. Sometimes with cheese, sometimes not.

What food do you always like to have in the fridge?
Well, here's what's always been in my fridge growing up:
-Milk--a gallon each of 2% (for us kids) and nonfat (for momma)
-Iced tea
-Ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, bleu cheese dressing
-Yogurt, strawberry and raspberry, sometimes weird flavors like Banana Cream Pie or Key Lime
-Blackberry, strawberry, and grape jam
-Apricot preserves, for making baked brie with
-Brie cheese
-Red peppers, cucumbers, salad mix
Yeah, I would deem all of those pretty vital. If I owned my own fridge, I'd like for there to also be juice in there all the time, and to Not have so goddamn many leftovers.

What food do you always like to have in the freezer?
Microwave meals, ice cream, half-filled waterbottles (for portable ice water), cans of juice to mix with water, stuff like that. I can't think of anything now, really. Oh. Blueberries.

What food do you always like to have in the cupboard?
VANILLA. Real vanilla, comes in liter-and-a-half bottles, not those tiny little bottles of vanilla extract that don't smell like vanilla, don't taste like vanilla, and don't impart any sort of pleasing sensation when smelled or tasted. Fuck, people, how do you get along without the huge green glass bottle of delicious, delicious vanilla in the cupboard? The stuff you have is nasty shit, I guarantee it.
Also flour, sugar, curry, salt, pepper, garlic salt, that special pepper blend Momma buys, oatmeal (both in serving-size packets and in the big cylinder containers), canned tuna, canned chicken, spaghetti sauce, speghetti, Kraft mac'n'cheese, alfredo sauce, a couple of boxed dessert mixes, unopened jam jars, and I don't drink but my parents always filled half the top shelf with alcohol--really it was just always the same bottles since they never drank, but it seems weird to think of that not being there.

What spices can you not live without?
Salt, pepper, special pepper blend, curry, VANILLA. GOOD VANILLA. NOT SHITTY VANILLA EXTRACT. Seriously, my rage about shitty extract Knows No Bounds.

What sauces can you not live without?
Eh. Anything already mentioned above--things like salad dressing, ketchup/mustard, etc. Soy should be around, I suppose, though I personally don't use it too often. Same for teriyaki.

Where do you buy most of your food?
Hard to say; I live with parents and they do the grocery shopping. Costco, Fred Meyer, Winco, depending on what we're looking for.

How often do you go food shopping?
Again, parents do that. About/at least once a week, because my little brother's lunches are made of red bell peppers and cucumbers for the most part and they have to get those fairly often. Oh, I need to add those to the 'should always be in the fridge' list!

What's the most you've spent on a single food item?
I'm... not sure. Though I would shell out a good chunk for a really amazing smoothie.

What's the most expensive piece of kitchen equipment you own?
Probably my second-hand Kitchen Aid mixer, as it's the only one I do own.

What's the last piece of equipment you bought for your kitchen?
Kitchen Aid.

What piece of kitchen equipment could you not live without? The fridge? The stove? The oven? The knives? The pots and pans? Ah, don't make me choose.
Same as what she said. In addition, the blender. Smoothies from milk, crushed ice, and fruit!

How many times a week/month do you cook from raw ingredients?
Not too often, I guess. I don't eat often, only twice a day or so. Sometimes only once. Usually it happens when I'm prompted, as today: "We're going out to dinner for your grandmother's birthday; get ready to go!" "...At... two in the afternoon? Dinner? Are you mad?"

What's the last thing you cooked from raw ingredients?
Egg sandwiches as described far, far above, with bacon. Thems was tasty tasty.

What's your favorite thing to make for yourself?
Omelets, maybe mug cake as per fiona_fawkes's recipe, maybe egg sandwiches.

What meats have you eaten besides cow, pig, chicken and turkey?
Lamb, once, didn't like it. Fish. I think that;s all. Oh, no, I had a bite of alligator sausage once. Tasty, but sausage is inherently ground meat, and if you've made it this far you know I don't like that.

What's the last time you ate something that had fallen on the floor?
Pretty much every day, though since comparing my kitchen floor to a reasonable house's kitchen floor, much less often. Seriously, ew!

What's the last time you ate something you'd picked in the wild?
This summer. On my way to my boyfriend's you can stop jsut before crossing the train tracks and pick blackberries of the hedge. I often stop while they're ripe and grab a handful to munch while walking.

Place the following cuisines in order of preference (greatest to least): Chinese, sushi, Indian, Thai, French, Italian, Mexican.
Mexican, I think, and then Chinese, and then 'sushi' which I'm calling "Japanese food" here because I love onigiri and ramen and rice, just not the nori that goes in sushi. The rest is pretty much on an even keel.

Place the following boozes in order of preference (greatest to least): Tequila, run, vodka, brandy, gin, whiskey.
None of the above.

Place the following flavors in order of preference (greatest to least): Garlic, ginger, lime, basil, aniseed.
Ooh, tough. I don't know off the top of my head what most of those taste like, so I'll say that (in the appropriate context) I like garlic better than lime.

Place the following fruits in order of preference (greatest to least): Cherry, apple, pineapple, watermelon, banana, orange.
Watermelon, orange, pineapple, apple, banana, cherry.

Bread and spread:
Cinnamon chip, toasted, and butter.

What's your fast food restaurant of choice, and what do you usually order?
I can't say I have one, as the only one I really liked was Taco Bell and they changed their bean recipe to make it taste like shit. Maybe Jack in the Box and theit mango smoothies?

What are three of the best dining-out experiences you've had?
In Whistler, B.C., there's a little fondue place we go to once every two years or so (sadly, I don't get to go this next year, I'll be in California for AZKATRAZ) and I get their French Onion soup, share the fondue pot with everyone else, and then (try to) hog all the chocolate dessert fondue for myself.

What's your choice of tipple at the end of a long day?
Tipple? Judging by the previous answer, it means sipping alcohol in the evening. And to that I can only say: Ick.

Favorite cookbook/s? What to Cook When You Think There's Nothing In the House to Eat, by Arthur Schwartz.
Because the previous person said that and it sounds fascinating.

Got any favorite food blogs?
Nope. Unless my flist counts because I found this survey and that mug cake recipe here.

What's the next thing you'll eat?
Breakfast, tomorrow. 'Night all.

meme, random

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