Aug 30, 2013 21:11

How's your Jun Day celebration? ^o^

[not that important.]
I had a really bad mood today and it's all because of a female staff in my part time job who thinks herself as the most right =3=

cute sakum♥to XDDD

GIFs (c) Tumblr

it always rains lately in my place, it's hot and cold in the daylight and would've been super duper cold at night >,<
well, I'm not too fond of cold weather because my skin will be very itchy almost the whole time and I often can't sleep peacefully at night >,< but, it's okay, I'll survive somehow  XD

i'm just me, Sho.. you distract my world ♥ ♥, ♥ Sho owns my heart ♥♥♥, Jun.. why so lovely? ♥, fangirling makes me healthier ♥, Sho-chan is adorbs ♥, ♥ SakuMoto is something ♥, friday is sho day, pics/gif

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