Let's Guess!

May 05, 2012 11:42

I’m doing the Indonesian subs for Kagiheya ep. 3 and it’s already 75% done. Later I still have to check whether my words choice in conformity with the story or not.

And because I feel a little bored, I get ideas for making games.

It's very easy.  You just have to guess the title of the drama from the snapshots here. I’m sure you can guess it easily, ( Read more... )

shun oguri, arashi, happy go lucky ♥, random, I ♥ games

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Comments 12

fubuki_tooru May 5 2012, 07:12:48 UTC
1.tokujo kabachi >> critanya terlalu lebay jadi berhenti nonton di eps 1
2. my girl >> great dorama, makes asleep after 5 episodes,LOL
3.freeter, ie wo kau.. >> nino only kiss once
4. uta no onii-san >> yatterman appearreance, lol then ohno develop into real kid after this dorama
5. i can't guest it, really, but because you said there's shun oguri in it, and it's five member so it's hana yori danshi ( hard guy spelling), LOL XDDD


laoracci May 5 2012, 11:21:15 UTC
great, you almost got everything, except one ^^
tokujo I also only watched ep.1 XD
my girl still trying to find the mood to finish it XD
I love the family story in freeter
and Uta no onii-san I really enjoyed to see Oh-chan's cosplay XD
hana yori danshi, good title XDD


fubuki_tooru May 5 2012, 14:51:17 UTC
so which one that wrong?
the last one maybe? so, what's the title anyway? ( mesti blajar lebih mendalami lagi, keknya)
i can't imagine the last one.. o_o
oh my God, don't tell me it's SMILE.. the most ugliest-jun-face in dorama.. aaa.. watching it making me confused because it's plot always never in one way (?) LOL


laoracci May 5 2012, 15:13:41 UTC
yeah, the last one, and I guess you know the title XD --IT IS SMILE-- and reading your comment that said "the most ugliest-jun-face in dorama" totally cracked me up XDDD *maybe that's why I often cried when watching it??? lol XDDDD


raneepi1017 May 5 2012, 10:59:49 UTC
maaf.. baru buka lj lgi..(mantengin fb soalnya)
jd mf g bls kmen yg kmren, hee^^ gomenne..
so many great files today, facedown PV already out, tampil d MS jd, kyakyakya..*hiraukan aja*

asik nih tebak2an, ikutan ah..
1.tokujo kabachi (critanya bkin pusing, msti mikir nih -_-;
2.wahh, g tw aq, lum ntn dorama ini keknya.. m(_ _)m
3.freeter, itu pas adegan liat jembatan bareng, so romantic, *nino ajak2 aq donk*
4.uta no onii-chan, ngakak yg bagian "aku terkenal, tp tnyata masih kalah sm yatterman". en "jgn remehkan arashi, arashi sibuk lho" waaa.. kacau tu.. narsisss..;D
5.smile, ih oguri shun jahat bgt dsni...


laoracci May 5 2012, 11:33:58 UTC
gpp ko, daijoubu ^^
bener banget hari ini tuh bener2 special, apalgi yang MS itu, gila bo, keren banget, kyaaaaa~

1. iya cerita di tokujo itu agak memusingkan, en lebay juga, aku cuma nonton ep.1, hehe
2. itu yang ada anak kecilnya itu lhoo *spoiler*
3. kalau kamu di ajak, ntar gak romantis lagi *kata Nino XD
4. iya narsis, tapi lucu banget liat Oh-chan pake kostum2 konyol di dorama itu XD
5. seharusnya Shun dapet best villain ya buat peran dia di smile, kejam banget dia disitu, hebat XD


raneepi1017 May 5 2012, 13:44:03 UTC
kyaaaa...kyaaaa.. dnace nya itu lho.. chozetsu kakkoi.. hot..
sepenuh hati gitu...
katanya padahal nino gi cedera, tp g kliatan >,<
nino sugoiii, sgt profesional...
i want you..i need you..i love you... *lho mlh jd nyanyi ekibi*

1. yg d tokujo ada penampakan ohno, tp cm bntar doank g asik ah.. >_<
2. oh jgn2 my girl y? haduh, blm pnah ntn doramax aiba nih, kec. ppoi th 2000 ma yg sekarang mikeneko..
3. >_<
5. Shun oguri mah kayaknya diajak maen dorama bareng jun mau2 aja dia...


laoracci May 5 2012, 14:46:00 UTC
Nino cedera? wah aku gak tau tuh, lagian sexy gitu mana keliataaan, lol. XD
1. eeh? oh-chan jadi penampakan di situ? gantian sama sho di uta no onii-san donk, hehe
2. aku malah belum nonton yang mikeneko, lagi fokus sama kagiheya *ceilah*
3. waah, jangan sedih, Nino kan emang suka kasih komen pedas gitu XD
5. iya tuh, mereka akrab banget, waktu HYD aja, kabarnya J gak mau meranin Tsukasa kalau bukan Shun yang jadi Rui. terus di smile, Shun bilang dia gak keberatan walaupun cuman jadi pickled ginger yang ngedampingin sushi, tapi J bilang dia bisa total di smile karna Shun total banget meranin Seiji di situ, bener2 best friends ya mereka <3


cahbiebie June 26 2012, 02:43:29 UTC
1. takujo kabachi.. well, finally finish to watching the drama.. just want to see sho-chan.. fans mode on.. hehehe :)
2. my girl.. so cute little girl..
3. freeter, ie wo kau.. only watching the special drama.. saw nino kiss karina.. hehehe :)
4. uta ni oniisan.. love the drama and the songs.. i love ohno expression in here.. can't stop laughing..
5. smile.. buying the drama but not yet watching it.. gomen ne..


laoracci June 26 2012, 03:23:31 UTC
wow, you've got them all ^o^
1. I just watched ep.1 because of Sho-chan, but the story is just too over XD *gomen Sho-chan*
2. Haven't found any time to finish it
3. Nino is really the actor <3
4. I love it too, Oh-chan is adorable <3
5. just like no.2 i don't have any time :(
thank you for dropping by ^^


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