It's not that I don't have anything to do, I'm just bored and I ended up reading randomly some fans' confessions in ARASHI Confessions on tumblr x3
after SakuMiya's, a SakuMoto's drama would be great, don't you think? and I vote for a dark one, but actually I'll take anything XD
*it would be super awesome if all members would star together in a drama or a movie again >///<
my friend said this too that they're look alike, but a few weeks ago she was finally able to distinguish them, thanks God ;D
I think I've said this before, but he DOES look HOTTER with that hair, one of my favorite hairstyle of Sho ♥
yes. yeS. yES. YES! >,<
*cough* I think you know it already, that I AM so obsessed with him >////< and I almost don't have any things from his solo con. except for that super soul, talking more must XD *hmm..maybe any of you happen to know where I can get some more? I'll be really grateful ^^
I'm not disappointed, but I did notice that too. He seemed so off and not really enjoyed the concert in some parts. I was wondering about it, but I think he must have been too tired at that time because of his super packed schedule. just please take care, ne, Sho-chan ♥
yes, please m(_ _)m
Oh, my break time is running out, so I need to go >,<
Now a question: from which episode is this JB thing?
Thanks in advance :D
Is it possible that one of the above confessions is yours? XD