Mar 01, 2013 13:47

as cute as always ♥♥♥

I want to make caps for last night VSA, cos it was so much fun XDDD
but my mom keeps ordering me to take my nap since I was having my lunch today >_<
I don't have enough sleep for some nights, so I look deadly horrible because of that, and my face hurts, yeah it's weird, I know, but I really can't laugh properly for the past 3 days and that's frustrating >____<

I'll make the post tomorrow. ciao~

*snapshots taken from: MMA 47 and VSA 2013.02.28

Sho puts smile on my face ♥, fangirling makes me healthier ♥, Sho.. you distract my world ♥ ♥, ♥ Sho owns my heart ♥♥♥, friday is sho day, sakurai sho, pics/gif

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