I have some spare time

Feb 11, 2010 16:31

Some nice things happened these days, so I need to share with you ^_^

I'm going on with shiatsu course, and Sunday morning I even take the morning off to attend a special lesson about "kata of samurai". It's a really simple massage for legs... well, simple to do, but it's really a pain for your legs. Even if it can resolve many many problems of your body and not only that.
I did it to a senpai and then, as usual, he did it to me. I screwed a lot, while he kept saying me that I was a good girl, who can afford that XDD (quanto gli ho detto povero XD)
The second time Sa-chan did it again and she pushed too much I couldn't breath. We are still beginners so we don't know so easily how much you can push a person. Well, it hurted a lot, but my legs were better °_°
Then yesterday evening another girl did it to me, but we had no much time to do it well, so she was gentle XD
It's amazing how much I learn every week *__*
But after that tutor-san call me for a certain reason. And he said to me "When will you quit to be anarchic and will wear our clothes*? When you'll choose?" The main problem is that when you chose to wear that uniform and belt, you chose your sensei and wait for his response. I feel like I can't be serious on this, but, on the other way, I'm the only one who didn't wear it.
It should be very easy to say "I want one too" but I'm not able to do -_-

Err, I said "nice things" so NOW I'll write about nice things XD
A robin (aka pettirosso)entered from my window. It was stucked between two windows and my mother called me to help it. The robin stared at me, like it was watching really into my eyes, trying to understand if I was dangerous XD In the end he didn't move and I managed to bring it and carry out. It was so little, so cute, so soft *w* This is the second time a robin come in my house, I think it's a good thing u_u

I'm still thinking about a drawing or illustration course. I sent an e-mail to a school in Padova (a near town...not so near XD) that has course on Monday (and I don't work on Monday). It costs 185 euros, for 10 lesson and they said I need no skills. But I'm not sure if I could afford that. And it will start on 22nd March, when I'll be in Milan (for 30seconds to mars live concert u_uV) and I have to say I hate to miss the first day of lesson >_<
But count it as positive, since I decided to look for something that can change my present condition.

Then yesterday I was in Venice with my friends. We ate Japanese lunch (not so Japanese but it was all quite good ^^) and talked about several things, as nothing has changed from uni-period. Thanks to lulliness who brought me a flyer of Kra from Tokyo <3 "Here you are the Pink Prince" she said XDD

A dear friend of mine will leave for London very very very soon (and maybe I've already told you). I feel quite sad, but I'm happy for him and grateful because is him who was able to made up my mind about drawing. Well...I'm envying him 'cause there are Starbucks in London >_>;

And for my dear Kyocchi...
finalmente Eugenio ha potuto mandarti i suoi auguri u///u

Have a nice day guys ^*^

eugenio, shiatsu, cazzate

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