Application for sirenspull

Feb 01, 2011 01:34

Player Information

Name: CC
Age: 21
AIM SN: Kini Mao
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes: luceti, sortinghat_rp, a_trialbyfire, splendorocity, a_facility
Currently Played Characters: None, at any games.
Conditional: Activity Check Link: ---

Character Information

Canon Source: Animorphs
Canon Format: Book Series,#33 : The Illusion
Character's Name: Tobias
Character's Age: Never explicitly stated during this time period, but for purposes I will say 15. (At the end of the series before the time skip the Animorphs are 16.)
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. --

What form will your character's NV take? A plain watch. This enables Tobias to wear it on his leg while he’s a bird (which he mainly will be). Of course, this doesn’t mean he’ll wear it all the time (at first)and it will likely be stashed away in a random tree when he’s not. What kind of bird wears watches? ;)

Character's Canon Abilities: Tobias can morph into any organic animal he touches by acquiring it’s DNA. This needs to be done in his natural form, which is now a red-tailed hawk (more on that later). This ability is limited to 2 hours time period-overstaying the morph beyond that will cause him to be trapped in that morph forever. Additionally, any scars or injuries present not in the actual DNA structure will be cured, as morphing replicates the DNA, not the body per se. With this comes the acquiring of the “base” personality of the species and the individual (in the case of sentient beings), but not necessarily the finer tuned parts.
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? --
Weapons: None in the conventional sense, but morphing.

Character History:
[Brief Personal History about him, trying to summarize 33 books would be quite an undertaking. I’m open to elaborating on any part, but I think I covered the milestones.]
As with everything else about him, Tobias has two histories.
The first: the loner, the introverted one, the boy that’s in every class that’s awkward, the dreamer, that’s different. Tobias was a bully magnet, with a poor family life to boot. He never knew his father, and his mother ran off at some point before he can remember; which led him shipped between his aunt and uncle who lived on opposite coasts of the US. Neither of them wanted him, and neither were shy about telling him what a burden he was.

In short, his life sucked. More than average teenage angst, that is. That might have been the end of it, just another unfortunate child among the masses, but Tobias got a second chance. A second life, really. One night he choose to walk home with a group of kids (tagged along), one of them being Jake Berenson-who had saved him from a swirly in the boys bathroom. Jake, his best friend Marco, his cousin Rachel, and Jake’s crush Cassie, and Tobias himself. The walk was normal enough, but they just decided to take a short-cut through an abandoned construction site. Rather than find an axe-murderer or rapist however, they found a dying lien. Elfangor-Shirnial-Shamtull. An Andalite war-prince who would tell the kids about a war and that Earth, humans, weren’t safe. The invasion had already begun, the Yeerks had already infilitrated multiple facets of human society.

Elfangor gave all of them the power to morph, to acquire the DNA of any creature and become it, if only for 2 earth hours. 2 hours, or they were to be trapped in that form forever, never to become human again. Oddly enough, Tobias felt vaguely connected with Elfangor. He stayed behind a few extra moments, there was just something about him…

Although they didn’t know if they were dreaming at first, or whether this was one horrible joke, it soon dawned on them that the war was all real. And they were the only ones who could fight it. On the first battle to the Yeerk pool, things were tight. They all barely made it out alive, although this was the first of many times it would happen. But things weren’t how they used to be after that night. They had all listened to Elfangor’s warning: 2 hours. In fact, the others barely made it out of their in time to demorph back to human.

Except for Tobias.

Tobias was stuck in the body of a red-tailed hawk forever (or so it seemed). For all the difficulties Tobias faced (not being able to cope with hunting, eating rats, losing himself to the hawk instincts), Tobias did in the end cope fairly well. Too well-it’s later speculated by the others that the fact that Tobias became a nothlit wasn’t purely an accident. He had after all, no real human life to return to and was the first of them to experiment with morphing. Regardless, he settled into the fact that he was a hawk and yet a boy at the same time. It’s stated by him that fighting the Yeerks enabled him to keep his human side-else he would have completely given himself over to the hawk mind.

And so, the war went on. Although Tobias wasn’t capable of combat like the others, he was their eye in the sky, and could blind a Hork-Bajir in battle. Still though, he resented the fact that he couldn’t help the others in a more productive way.
Fate wasn’t done playing with him, though. Through the course of their journey the Animorphs came to know a creature called the Ellimist. He was god-like, and was on their side of the war. Kind of. He couldn’t interfere directly, but he could pull strings. He had a deal for Tobias. Help him in establishing a Hork-Bajir colony, and he would grant Tobias his greatest desire. At face value, Tobias thought this would make him human again. When all was said and done though, the Ellimist merely gave him his morphing power back. Sure, he gave him the ability to turn back to his human form for 2 hours--- but if he stayed longer than that? He could never morph again. Tobias was angry at first, thinking he had been tricked. But over the course of the series its apparent that Tobias was much happier as a hawk. And with the ability to morph? That took away his only regret, that he couldn’t participate like the others.
And there was one more thing. Elfangor? The war-prince that gave them the power to morph? That was his father. It was possible by another convoluted trick of the Ellimist, but in a way it fit. Tobias’ life has never been normal.

[His wiki can be found here.]

Point in Canon: Shortly after #33 The Illusion.
The anti-morphing ray was a thing that spelled very ill for the Animorphs. If it worked, it would not only cripple them in battle but also reveal that they were human kids all along. And that would be the end of everything.

The plan was insane as usual. With red-tailed hawk as his natural form, the Yeerks would use the ray on Tobias, see that he didn’t morph, and hopefully give up on the ray. Of course this involved Tobias being captured by the Yeerks in the first place. Things went according to plan until Rachel was separated from Tobias (she was to be the one who told the others where to raid to save him). With Rachel gone Tobias was left completely alone with a human controller named Taylor. She was particularly sadistic even for a Yeerk, and tortured him for hours on end-forcing him to endure extreme pain and pleasure back to back, with no relief. Tobias only survived because he retreated into the hawk within in, but even towards the end this wasn’t good enough. If it weren’t for the others who came to save him, he probably would (and did a little), mentally crack.

But the Yeerks gave up on the ray, convinced it didn’t work. So things were a win (maybe).
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: --

Character Personality: Tobias is both a hawk and a boy. In fact, the other Animorphs call him bird-boy. Because that’s what he is. He’s also part alien, and Ax’s uncle. He’s a mish-mosh of things, and this shows through in his personality.
In one part he’s a teenage boy. Not your average one though as Tobias never quite fit in, even before the Animorphs. Timid, shy, and a little weak-- he just wanted to be part of a group. To be someone strong, to stand for something. In Back to Before, it’s revealed that had it not been for the Animorphs, Tobias would have probably become a voluntary controller. He was always the odd one out, the dreamer, the loner, and all he ever wanted was to fit in. He was kind too, and the only solace he found back then was most likely in his cat, Dude. That’s why he followed Jake to the construction site-he wanted to follow Jake, and maybe learn to be like him.

It should be noted that when he is human morph, he tends to be a little awkward. This is probably due to a mix of never truly feeling comfortable when he was a human, and because he lives his life mostly out as a hawk now. After all, no one can see you staring from 50 feet away. Tobias doesn't do emotions on his face too well as a human either, as it's a habit he's lost since becoming a hawk.

On the other side, he’s a red-tailed hawk. There’s the hawk mentality in him that has grown to be very much a big part of him. The predator with the fierce glare, and a face that is incapable of showing human emotion. In a way the boy Tobias and the hawk have become one. He’s not as weak as he used to be, though it still shows sometimes. He still very much wants to “belong”-he berates himself for even considering a woman who was actually Visser Three in disguise as potential family. He also berates himself for still wanting some human comforts-like sleeping in Rachel’s drawer when there’s a particularly bad storm. He’s a hawk, hawks don’t get cozy warm houses to sleep in. And there’s no denying a hawk is very much of what he is. Yet on the same note, he feels, he emotes, he loves. Although over the course of the series he becomes more hawkish in nature, its arguably Rachel who keeps him tied to humanity and his human self. (SPOILER ALERT) After the series ends and she dies, Tobias goes off on his own not bothering with humanity.

In so far as morality goes, Tobias would be rated Neutral Good. He accepts that the rule of the world is a dog eat dog world, yet he leans towards the good and positive if only because of the humanity in him. That is, he says to Ax in the end that in a way he can’t blame the Yeerks, they’re trying to survive just as they are. But he can’t look past all the atrocities they’ve committed either. Tobias also very much so is about people making their own choices, making their own freedom.

Finally, Tobias is a bit too much of a realist sometimes. And other times, he thinks too much (hard not to, given the life he lives out). In the fandom he's also known as "emohawk", so take with that as you will. However, the core of his personality and very much his being is the fact that is quite "the bird-boy". Part boy, part hawk, and although he seems increasingly comfortable with the latter as the series go on, it's still the biggest conflict for him.

Conditional: Personality development in previous game: --

Character Plans: First and foremost, figure out where the hell he is. After that, try to find the others. Thereafter, learn to trust the people, or at least be alright with talking to them as a bird (EVENTUALLY). Don't think he'd honestly do the hassle of morphing to human every time he wanted to make a communication, though he would keep all communications as bird in voice.

Also, he'd probably keep the morphing thing under wraps. With the world the animorphs live in, their kind of paranoid, and with good reason. Beyond that, I'm open to where the plot brings me =). He'd want to find a way out though, as isn't the evil you know better than the unknown? That and Rachel isn't here =).

Appearance/PB: Buteo Jamaicensis [Random Google Hawk]/ Human Pb: [Beck]

Writing Samples

First Person Sample
[The recorder turns on and there's a little static at first, or more like rustling really.]

< Uh, hey.

Not sure what kind of people are out there-- [Or really, would they be people?], but would anyone be able to proof something unusual for the Darkness?

Leave me a message at (XXX-XXXX). [Boy did that sound stupid, but what other choice did he have? Asking complete strangers for a favor was a type of insanity even the Animorphs never dared to attempt and for good reason. The alternative though was to spend another sleepless night flying around, evading those things. He could barely keep awake as is, and the daytime in this place wasn't particularly comforting yet either.

Backup would be great at this point. Rachel, would be great at this point. She was the strongest back-up, anyway.]

Thanks, I guess. >

Third Person Sample
[Sadly this sensation wasn't new to him at all. The feeling of being at ease, riding the thermals without a care in the world.... when bam! All of a sudden finding himself on a collision course with an object, this time a brick wall. Tobias flared his wings, managing to pull himself up before he was a splattered bird patty.

No, this was unusual yet not unusual at all. Still, that didn't mean he couldn't curse the being that sent him here: The Ellimist, or so he thought. It only took him a few moments to get his bearings before realizing that he was in a decrepit city of some sort. That, and to realize the others weren't with him either. While a little odd, it wasn't panic territory yet-- the Ellimist seemed to like to play favorites with him. So this was just another one of his weird games.]

< And to what pleasure do I owe you this time, oh puppetmaster? >

[The sarcasm was quite evident in his voice. Maybe normally he would have tried to hide it a bit better, but yesterday hadn't been so great. In fact yesterday was the reason he had zoned out as much as he did.


It was only then that he realized someone had been shouting at him, waving their arms around like a lunantic, though it wasn't quite the Ellimist. Or if it was he had tacked on an entirely new persona. What the person was saying though, was even more ridiculous than their arm movements. And although he wanted to think it was a joke and just fly away, to wait for the Ellimist to show himself, something in his gut told him otherwise. He dove down to get a better look and listen, which was a stupid decision in itself. He had heard and could see the person just fine. But what they had just said made his heart stop.

He would have liked to fly away, to pretend this was a joke, and that he was just a normal red-tailed hawk who got confused for a moment, but somehow it all felt bigger than that. And something told him that acting like an authentic red-tailed hawk at this moment was the least of his problems.]

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