Jul 15, 2006 00:32
I remember a time where i would be proud of myself for not drinking. I used to criticize people who did. I would go to get togethers where everybody drank. They all got shitfaced, and it was me, alex, and george who were the ones standing in the back yard while every other person drank themselfs shitfaced. And.. god damn it, i was proud of that. I liked the fact that i got home at 12 am, fell asleep in a comfy bed, and my head wasn't spinning around. "You want a beer" they said "Nah man i don't drink"
Why isn't it that way anymore?
My mom straight up asked me if i drank. And i straight up answered that I did.
arguing came right after.
I think a tear was shed.
My dad fell asleep disappointed.
lanzemurdok: it hurts my parents to know i drink
lanzemurdok: and it hurts me that it hurts them
ADE98520512: they confronted you already?
lanzemurdok: my mom came up to me today asking if we did
lanzemurdok: and i was honest
ADE98520512: finally
ADE98520512: you couldnt really keep it away from her forever
lanzemurdok: but it hurt her to find this out
lanzemurdok: and she got really mad
lanzemurdok: and she half cried
lanzemurdok: half the time i was trying to explain myself, while she went on about how stupid it is and dangerous
ADE98520512: its not dangerous unless you drink excessively
lanzemurdok: during the conversation i was defending myself to make me look better
lanzemurdok: but half way I realized i didn't want to anymore
lanzemurdok: because the guilt would be too great
lanzemurdok: and for my own personal decision, i will stop
ADE98520512: its good you decided to stop drinking
ADE98520512: though it doesnt hurt to drink every once in a while
lanzemurdok: yes, a beer
lanzemurdok: a drink, tops
lanzemurdok: but anything after that, no
lanzemurdok: i don't want to anymore
lanzemurdok: I want to be 40 and be proud of saying i don't drink
lanzemurdok: I wanna be at a party and be proud of being the only one not drinking
ADE98520512: how did your dad react thoug?
lanzemurdok: disappointed
ADE98520512: there really isnt much of a point to drinking
lanzemurdok: there isn't