Top 5(x2) - Fictional Characters

Jun 23, 2008 19:48

Because I couldn´t choose only five!

They are in order!XD

10- Mr. Fantastic, The Fantastic Four
Don´t ask me why. I don´t know. Is it weird? Yeah, but... I had to put him in my list!
9- Dimitri, Anastasia
Because he was always bickering with Anastasia and it is was so cute! He´s noble; he didn´t want the money because of his feelings for Anastasia. Okay, when he started he wanted to pick anyone who looked like the princess. But when he discovered that the girl was really Anastasia and that he was in love with her... Awww. He couldn´t even leave Paris! And it was so sad when he realizes that if Anya was Anastasia, she would leave him. Princesses don´t date the guy from the kitchen.

8- Jack, Lost
Okay, it´s a bit weird to put Jack and Sawyer in the same list, but if Katie can...
He´s a natural leader and very brave. He always try to do the thing that is the best (sometimes he´s wrong, but he is human!).

7- Aragorn, The Lord of the Rings
Maybe it´s because he has the King and the Leader thing... And he´s SEXY!
Go Aragorn, Go!

6- Jesse de Silva, The Mediator
He´s a ghost and I LOVE HIM! I didn´t know that he calls Suzannah only "querida" in the English version, but really, I´ll never forget whe he calls her "hermosa" in the Brazilian translation. He´s the perfect gentleman. He´s very brave. And I love when he´s angry and he starts talking in Spanish, and Suzannah doesn´t understand him! And, as Suzannah always says, he´s really hot!

5- Sawyer, Lost
I love Sawyer´s sense of humor. I´ll never forget the nicknames that he invented and his Harry Potter´s glasses! His "bad boy" image is very appealing. I love his smile... Go Sawyer, go!

4- Christian, Moulin Rouge
I´ll never forget when Christian sings "Your Song". He´s not Edward Cullen, but he dazzled me in this scene. Also, he believes in love, even if his own story is not happy. He tried everything to be with Satine, even in danger. He´s a writer. He´s beautiful and he has a wonderful smile.

3- Michel Moscovitz, Princess Diaries
I knew that he liked Mia before she realized that (okay, who didn´t?). But I really was surprised when he answered her with that poem. It was so sweet! And the necklace that he gave her was so cute! And when he cooked for her, and he way he cares about Mia...
[Spoilers for Book Nine] And I´m really proud of him. He loves Mia but they aren´t dating anymore because he knows that she needs to grow up and decides what she wants. And he has his super friend, Boris, who tells him everything that is happening... (I LOVED this, hahaha!)
And MM remembers M&M´s! CHOCOLATE!

2- Edward Cullen, Twilight
He dazzles me. He´s kind and sensitive. He´s funny. He writes songs. He´s sexy. He has a shiny silver Volvo. 
Do you need more reasons?

And the winner is...

1- Remus Lupin, Harry Potter
Okay, I know that it is a surprise that he is the number one of my list!XD
Remus Lupin will always be my fictional husband. I fell in love with him and I was jealous of another fictional character. How crazy is that?
I don´t know why I love him. Maybe it´s because of all his past that isn´t in the books and we can imagine. Maybe because he had a sad life but he didn´t go to the "Dark Side". Or it can be because he´s the BEST DADA TEACHER FOREVER! And he is a truly Marauder... 
He´s not perfect and I know it. But it´s difficult and weird to explain how I fell about him.

christian, michael moscovitz, sawyer, jack, mr. fantastic, dimitri, aragorn, characters, remus lupin, edward cullen, top 5, jesse

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