Top 5(X2) + 2 fictional characters - UPDATED!

Oct 11, 2009 19:10


Last year I did a Top 5 (x2) fictional characters! But I realized that this list has changed A LOT! So I´m doing it again! And I even put my last list, so you´ll know who changed!

10. Dimitri, from Anastasia and Aragorn, from Lord of the Rings.

(Old list: Mr. Fantastic, The Fantastic Four)

Okay, I couldn´t only choose ten because Dimitri wouldn´t be in this list. So Dimitri now is number eleven and Aragorn number ten.

09. Dimitri Belikov, Vampire Academy

(Old list: Dimitri, Anastasia)

Okay, another Dimitri in my list and he´s new! He´s really a badass and he have this amazing Russian accent… Plus he has the famous “Remus Lupin complex”: “We can´t be together because of my age and because I´m your instructor”…He isn´t higher in my list because I don´t know what will happen with him in the next Vampire Academy book…

08. Jacob Black, Twilight

(Old list: Jack, Lost)

ANOTHER WEREWOLF IN MY LIST! Yes, I truly, madly and deeply love werewolves! I absolutely loved Jacob Black in Breaking Dawn. I’m not Team Jacob because I didn’t want Bella to date him, but I really love him as a character. He is funny and he’s always trying to do what he thinks is right (even if we doesn´t agree with him). His sarcastic behavior is simply the BEST!

07. Jacob Carstairs, Victoria and the Rogue

(Old list: Aragorn, the Lord of the Rings)

Okay, this Jacob isn’t a werewolf: he’s human! He was always bickering with Victoria and he was so cute! Plus, he’s noble and he was always trying to help Victoria! And he’s so romantic!

06- Jesse de Silva, The Mediator
He´s a ghost and I LOVE HIM! So this is the same from the other list! Jesse, I will never forget about you!

05- Luke Brandon, Shopaholic series and Christian, Moulin Rouge
(Old List: Sawyer, Lost)
Okay, I´ll have to choose 12. I´m reading now the Shopaholic series and I absolutely LOVED Luke Brandon. But I couldn´t leave Christian out of my list…

04- Sawyer, Lost
(Old list: Christian, Moulin Rouge)
After Lost´s last season I am even more in love with him!

03- Michel Moscovitz, Princess Diaries
Now that I have read “Forever Princess” the only thing that I have to say is: “Michael, I love you!”

02- Edward Cullen, Twilight
Go shiny silver Volvo!

And the winner is...

01- Remus Lupin, Harry Potter
Okay, someone really believed that my first place would change? NEVER!

dimitri belikov, christian, fictional character, michael moscovitz, sawyer, dimitri, aragorn, jacob black, remus lupin, jacob carstairs, edward cullen, top 5, luke brandon, jesse

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