(no subject)

Nov 27, 2009 21:58

I don't concentrate well, and i'm not sure why.

Perhaps its because i haven't written my story as I want it to be.

I joined this company that does financial planning, and i got it, which i had wanted. It lined up with all my education, which was unexpected. And i'm around a really great and supportive group of people which I LOVE!

I've been tired of studying for so long with no end in sight. I've survived through the long, desperate, endless and in the end pointless battles, and now I have a chance to reform my life in the image that I want it.

And i'm going to win, and have my future as I want it. I'm going to become the number one person in my company. The absolute best, that is my destination for the longer term, lets say 8 years from now.

For this year, i plan on making $200,000 gross commission in my first year. Ambitious, yes, achievable, yes.

And i am going to take every positive opportunity that comes my way. I am finally going to cast off my history as a memory, and instead I choose this bright future, where i'll be challenged, and i'll grow, and all the while i'm going to help person after person, family after family, by improving their financial picture with solid financial planning advice. I am going to help people save money on their taxes, plan and implement the things they need to get to their goals and dreams, help their children go to school, prepare for retirement, and make sure the family has enough money should anything bad happen.

That is why i was originally happy to be part of this company. Its beautiful, working with people, and giving them the tools to fix their financial problems, which in many cases can be the most stressful part of life.
If today was my last day, I would live it to its fullest. Smile on my parents, hug my coworkers and give them high fives, and do my best everyday by concentrating and focusing on the joy of the moment.

I appreciate this world, this time, and the person who I am, the life i have been born into, the experiences that have made me, me. My brother, though he died left me a richer person, my mom has always given every ounce of energy to make me stronger, I am who I am because I choose to be that way, kind, loving,
and one day i'm going to help the world on a better path.

All of us sometimes feel so stuck in the moment, the things we should be doing but aren't, because we are on auto-pilot. But i think, you just need to sit down with yourself, start that fire inside that will make you into a bright shining star in your neighbourhood, kind to your friends, kind to strangers, with an unshakeable glint in your eyes that you can go out and achieve whatever you set your mind onto.
And it doesn't have to be a one day you do one pushup, the next day you do one hundred kind of thing. Success always comes in small increments, small joys, small successes, and let those grow. Let yourself grow. Put away the past. Dream, desire, build towards your perfect future. Choose something new, stretch yourself, get angry, fired up, excited, start running, and get those wings ready for liftoff. Because LIFE IS HAPPENING TO YOU NOW!!!! You don't have to quit your job, love it as it is and imagine what a better one would be like.

You don't have to find your perfect love, but become the type of person who could attract that kind of love, real, deep, intimate connection we all seek.

Be the kind of friend you'd want to associate with.

Go the distance, give, you can't receive if you give nothing.

Stretch. Goals, dreams, desires, energy, step by step, until you are running like a hurricane and nothing can stop you, because no one will.

I want to fire up every person I come across, in every little way, all of us little fireballs with this excited energy, because honestly, we have to take back our nations, our societies, our lives, our friends, our families, our dreams, and its up to us.

We can choose to be great, imagine to be great, or be even greater than anything we can imagine.

We have so much power, each and every one of us. We have such a capacity to learn. Such a capacity to achieve, to be whatever it is that you wanted to be.

You're not alone, we'll grow until we consume this planet, take over, everywhere, and make ourselves and our societies better.

Imagine if every person in the world could achieve a higher level of joy than they are at now, even by one step. That would be a beautiful thing to see.

Be beautiful, be whatever you want to be, whatever that may be, its up to you.
All I want to let you know is that you ARE beautiful as you are, and I love you.
I've never met you, might never meet you, but let my words be heard now.

You are great, amazing, the pioneer of your own little universe. Experience what you want. Love who you want, be who you want. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step (obvious), but your journey begins by picking on a few things you want, and starting to walk. Where do you want your journey to take you
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