Jun 07, 2005 18:06
What's the story behind your journal name?:
well... I was reading a story about lanval (an authurian legend) and his queen. I liked the story and can relate to the lovely queen so I nabbed the name
Have you ever had a makeover?:
If you consider, "model makeovers" with mary kay where they teach their victims how to put on make-up
Have you ever witnessed death?:
Unfortunately, yes.
What's the longest time you've stayed out of the country, and where?:
Three months, mostly England but four lovely days in Scotland
One thing you're grateful for, today:
That it isn't 90 degrees... makes car rides from North Greenville 300 times better
Describe your dream wedding:
In a shady garden with a clearing near a creek or stream of some type. Not too many people there just my family (parents, sister, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins) and my dearest friends and his family and dearest friends. None of that inviting people to be nice stuff. With the most gorgeous dress on the planet, my sister as my maid of honor. Of course, my prince would be there looking sharp in his tuxedo. It would be early in the month of June. All my cousins would behave like the angels I know they are somewhere under the exterior. I could go on for days, weeks, months about this.
What do you want to be doing when you are 60?:
living on a farm with my man, spending time with the grandbabies and reading lots of books I never had time to complete as a young person.
What is your first memory?:
I think it is my third birthday
My first heartbreak happened when:
never really been heartbroken. hurt a few times but never anything major
How much money does it take to keep you for a year?:
hmm... well counting school bills, gas and food I'd say right around 45,000
Do you have any weird preferences, and for what?:
can't think of any right now... but I have many
What is one thing you will never understand about the opposite sex?:
why they find comfort and enjoyment from knives, guns, and fire
What piece of technology do you want most right now?:
a teleporter, that could take me anywhere in the world in a second
Name the one TV character you most want to be:
Lucy, that funny redhead could have gotten away with murder... wait can I change my answer to a real person (ben jonson DID get away with murder)
Favourite gemstone?:
saphire or opal
What's your worst flaw?:
I am too hasty in my judgments
What do you plan to do this summer?:
school, work, more school, more work, spend time with family, spend time with friends, go to the mountains, hopefully go to New York
What is your favourite song right now?:
probably Sinatra's "Come Fly With Me" but then again anything Sinatra is amazing
What is your favourite Disney song?:
"Once Upon a Dream"
Describe your dream house:
An old farm house with character (in good condition, too) and a 100 acres around it in the mountains somewhere
Your typical sleepwear:
an old t-shirt and shorts
What's in your bag?:
I'm assuming its a purse and there are receipts, coupons, very little bit of money, business cards, maybe a pencil
How much money do you have in your wallet right now?:
umm... none, why would I keep money there... too obvious of a location
What are you most proud of in your life?:
That would be the friendships I have formed and maintained along the journey
Tell us about any of your birthdays:
well when I was just 1 years old I got a cake
2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 I had a party with family and friends
11 spent with my grandparents bc my dad was close to dying in the hospital
12,13 dinner with mom and dad and heather
14 party
15 family dinner
16 party
17,18 family dinners
19 friend party
20 England, oh the bliss
yeah yeah I know no one really wanted to know all this but ha now you do and I am still bored so I have all the time in the world to type this stuff out
What do you most enjoy about looking at other people?:
I like to watch their mannerisms and listening to their patterns of speech. What distinguishes them from their peers? What makes them similar to their peers? etc
What are the first five things you would splurge on if you were a billionaire?:
1. bye bye debt for everyone I know
2. dream house in the mountains
3. vacation homes (ie small cottages in quaint villages) in a few European countries and a few other exotic places
4. Give half to charity
5. invest the rest into a retirement fund
What is the weirdest/funniest nickname anyone has ever called you?:
I don't really have many nicknames... My Papa calls me soccerball and karate kid on occasion.. those are odd nicknames
What is your favourite pair of shoes?:
hmm... my blue flipflops
Would you rather be a Hobbit, an Elf or a Dwarf?:
ok... why is Ent not on here. I would so be an Ent.
Write a line from any song:
I know you... I walked with you once upon a dream
Have you ever...
Fallen for your best friend?: nope
Made out with JUST a friend?: nope
Been rejected?: if you could call it that, yes
Been in love?: nope
Been in lust?: yep
Used someone?: I hope not
Been used?: yep
Cheated on someone?: nope... but then again
Been cheated on?: nope
Done something you regret?: Of course... many times
Do you...
Colour your hair?: Well if you count a week ago... but I probably won't again for a little while
Have tattoos?: nope
Have piercings?: two in my ears
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?: yep
What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?: smiles and eyes
Would you marry for money?: name your price... then I'll let you know. j/k
Have you had braces?: Nope
When was the last time you had a hickey?: well they say the mark of the best lover is no mark at all... what does that say about my lovers??
Could you live without a computer?: yep... but it'd be rough
What is your favourite place to visit?: everywhere
What is the last movie you saw?: the saint
Do you kiss on the first date?: nope
Do you drink alcohol?: not currently, under dumb contract and stupid laws
Did you like or do you like high school?: highschool was the easiest least confusing time of my life
Who do you want to kiss?: hmm...
Do you think you can draw well?: not really
Do you write poetry?: have... but I wouldn't really call it poetry
Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?: Emotional.
Are you a sex addict?: no
How long is your hair?: little below my shoulders
Do looks matter?: to an extent but really personality is much more important, as well as where their passions lie
Do you trust others easily?: I'm basically an open book, there are a few things I won't tell
What do you look for in a guy/girl?: Christian, fun to be around, makes me feel at ease, kind, good with kids, lots more things
What is your nickname?: Am
What are you worried about right now?: what I am going to do when I graduate... whether to work or go to grad school that is the question
Do you think you are strong?: for a girl
What would you change about yourself?: hmm... I'm a girl there are lots of things I would change
Who's your favorite rock icon?: rock?? me have an icon in rock??