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May 02, 2013 03:36

"The Memoirs also reflects broader dimensions of the European religious Enlightenment that transcended confessional divides. The image of Charles O’Conor of Ballinagare as portrayed by his grandson bears a remarkable resemblance to that of Mikhail Lomonosov (1711-1765), who was lionized in Russia as a self-made man, native genius, patriot, true man of the Enlightenment, and faithful son of the Russian Orthodox Church. Other parallels are equally striking. Dr. O’Conor’s portrayal of Catholic Ireland as a “sequestred nation” plundered by invaders who had destroyed or badly distorted native institutions and culture, subjected to the pressures of foreign religions, and unduly ridiculed for its “barbarity,” bears an uncanny resemblance to the picture of Russia put forth in the writings of such Russian lay and ecclesiastical historians as Ivan Boltin (1735-1792), Metropolitan of Moscow Platon (Levshin) (1737-1812), and Petr Alekseev (1727-1801). Irish Gothicism was matched by Russian “Normanism”; and the concept of the Norman yoke, by the Mongol yoke thesis in Russia. There was also a similar push to preserve, collect, and publish native primary sources. Just as O’Conor denied Protestant England the title of seat of religious tolerance and decried the hollow universalism of the philosophes, Boltin, Platon, Alekseev, and many others rejected Western Europe’s perceived monopoly on the Enlightenment. O’Conor and his Russian counterparts praised Irish Catholicism and Russian Orthodoxy, respectively, as true and ancient native Christianity, as the foundation of an authentic national civilization, and as compatible with the reasonable, tolerant, and peaceful religion of the true Enlightenment" (источник).

Пожалуй, на эти выходные с меня достаточно научной литературы, а то мозг точно взорвётся 0_о
Поясню: я не в первый раз вижу сравнения ирландской культуры с русской, крыша у меня едет от всех; это - выглядит вполне прилично. Но в любом случае (и особенно в данном) это всё равно, что говорить, что у акулы, которую кусают морские вши, примерно такие же проблемы, как у кильки в банке с томатом.

XVIII век, Осторожно:кельты!, Ирландия

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