In the #AMV IRC channel this morning, somehow making the James Bond movie titles into geek puns came up, and
kalium and I threw enough together to cover them all. So, in the interests of sharing the amusement (italics are by Kal):
1. Dr. Root
2. From Berkley, With Love (or From Kernelspace with Love)
3. Gold .finger
4. Thunderf-rm (should probably actually be Thunderm-rf)
5. You Only Bootstrap Twice
6. On Her Majesty's Login Service
7. Uptime is Forever
8. Live And Let Diediedie()
9. The User With The Golden Gun
10. The Sudo Who Loved Me
11. AIXraker
12. For Your UID Only
13. Octodev
14. A View to a Pkill
15. The Living Blinkenlights
16. Licence to Kill -9
17. GoldenPI (or IRIXEye)
18. Tomorrow Never (|| Die()s)
19. Protected Memory is Not Enough
20. die('Another Day')
21. Rand Royale
22. Quantum Computing of Solace
Plus the unofficial one, Never Say nohup Again.
EDIT: And as soon as I posted this, I thought of a better one for Tomorrow Never Dies: Tomorrow (if (0) { die() } )