Tut #5

Jun 29, 2007 14:19


-PSCS/Selective Color.
-Do NOT hotlink.
-Comment is appreciated.^^

1. Open this texture(by gender) as your background.

2. Paste the original image on your background layer and set it to burn with 100%.

3. Curves.
RGB: (198, 247) (14, 27)
Then Press Ctrl+Alt+G.

4. Selective Color.
Red: -11, -8, +19, -12
Yellow: +59, +11, -23, -18
Green: +100, +100, +100, +100
Cyan: +100, +100, +100, +100
White: +15, +13, +13, +5
Neutral: +43, +9, +3, -13

5. Hue/Saturation.
Saturation-Master: +9
Red: -2
Yellow: +10
Green: +9
Cyan:: +11
Blue; +13

6. Brightness/Contrast.
Brightness: +7
Contrast: +16

7. Merge all your layers and it's done.

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