Mar 17, 2011 10:43
Yesterday we went to the theatre. We saw our friend Jonas sweating, huffing and puffing! He is a very good stage actor and I did forget I know him. I liked that :D
The play was very entertaining.
Also, I gotta say this man is strong! This play required a lot of lifting!
And I tell you, you can see people fighting in slow motion on stage! I loved that part :D
The whole thing reminded me that it has already been a whole year since last time I saw a play. Of course I had a shitty year so the last thing on my mind was this. But now I have to make up for the lost time. The moment the boyfriend returns from his mini tour, I'm booking tickets :D
No I did not bring my camera with. I should have brought the small camera just o take some pictures of the environment though hrmfff
I always get inspired on how to decorate my flat when I'm at the theatre.
Of course I do! It is always all black and some red hehe
But until we move to a bigger place, nothing is painted nothing.
I always find a way to twist and turn a subject into painting stuff black ...
dear diary