(no subject)

Mar 23, 2004 17:19

What comes to mind when you hear....snow?:flake ..rain?:wet ..tornado?:crrraaazzy ..summer love?:-in, had me a blast ..Jon?:Roth ..Mike?:Anton ..Shea?:fmeh ..banana?:do you have any banaaaanas? ..dizzy?:w0000 ..Laura?:Sloan, Danette ..Juan?:...de Marco ..car?:Oldsmoblie ..white?:winter ..peppermint?:d00m ..New Found Glory?:odd ..placebo?:band? ..orange juice?:citrus ..candid camera?:smile! ..sister?:Lindsay, sisters, they were never such devoted sisters ..brother?:step ..hate?:love ..school?:d00m ..President?:Bush-the-ass-hole ..football?:in the UK is better ..rap?:crap ..pop?:bubblegum ..rock?:fuhwee ..punk?:poser ..sex?:"Ed". (God, that stupid party game...) ..death?:blood ..baby?:Christopher ..duuude?:--man! ..the end?:NOOOO!
The Survey Where You Say The First Word That Comes To Mind. Yay. brought to you by BZOINK!
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