Did I really eat enough chocolate that the caffeine's keeping me up? Ugh.
Last night I caught part of the local news, and they were talking about how
Ellis Gallagher was arrested for defacing city property. He was released, probably because his graffiti is chalk, and, I don't know, washes away when it rains. Let's all raise a glass to New York's finest.
I first saw Ellis G's chalk outlines a couple of years ago in my neighborhood in Brooklyn, and I loved both the impermanence of the art and the way it makes you reexamine the impermanence of the objects themselves. (I find it a much more interesting project in phenomenology than
Obey Giant, mostly because Obey Giant is obsessed with reclaiming or subverting iconography while Ellis G focuses on everyday objects and reclaims their beingness as objects-by fixing them in a particular time he records their existence. They remain present even after they've moved or the light's changed.)
Tonight for dinner I had heirloom tomato salad and wild mushroom soup with a bread from
Amy's and a local farmer's cheese. Tomorrow the apple butter I made from my
CSA apples will have mellowed enough that I can open the first jar to see how it came out. I've been feeling utterly smug about eating organic and local foods lately, and slightly uncomfortable with the way it makes me want to prosyletize. I've had to put up with way too much of that to do it myself. (Anyway, I make awesome
vegan chocolate cupcakes.)
To return to the topic at hand, can someone please explain to me how I'm still eating heirloom tomato salad? It's nearly the end of October. Oh, weather.