Chili party

Sep 17, 2005 20:24

Guy and Ollie have certainly thrown together quite the shindig here. Warrior's reopening, celebrating several people's return from the dead -- including myself -- and the defeat of Ra's al-Ghul's plague... this party somehow manages to meet all those needs. Major Disaster rubbing elbows with Jay Garrick... Superman singing Karaoke with Detective Chimp... it all reminds me how good it is to be alive.

But even more than that, the woman on my arm reminds me what's good about being alive.

My history with Arisia is... long. And complicated.

When I met her, she was a teenager with a crush. I rejected her... but then she altered herself. Made herself into my "perfect woman" through the ring. And, yes, her body certainly was... well, I've always had a weakness for busty blondes. But she was still that teenager with a crush inside.

But... she changed. And grew. And I changed. And somewhere in there, I ended up falling for her after all. I fell in love with her.

We lived together. Arisia and me, John and Katma. Two couples sharing an apartment.

Until things changed again. Katma died... Arisia and I... drifted apart. Parallax was in me by then. Some of what happened was probably him. Some of it probably wasn't. Hard to sever my motives and Parallax's.

But it doesn't matter anyway. I have a second chance at life. And, even better, I've been given a second chance with Arisia, too. Somehow, marvelously.

We've both been dancing. We've both been drinking a little.

She's a little tipsy. She's a little warm. So we step out for a bit of fresh air, just the two of us.
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